Woodpecker Blog

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Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 1: SellHack

Still looking for an optimal solution for building your list of prospects? This is the first part of the series including a review of tools and platforms that help in collecting prospects for your B2B cold email outreach. Read on to learn what you’ll be able to learn in the series and check out the first tool: SellHack.

New Automated Sending Functions & Improved Reply Detection at Woodpecker.co

Last week I described the new Inbox we added recently, but there's more little big improvements you'll be happy to see. So here's about the improvements we've recently made to Woodpecker, so you could send your emails and follow-ups the way you want, and so Woodpecker could catch all kinds of replies from your prospects.

How To Manage All Your Replies in Woodpecker Inbox

It's been a while since our last news about a new feature, so here we go: presenting the brand new Inbox at Woodpecker.co. Read on to find out how it works, why we added it, and most importantly, what you gain using it. Plus, we've got some screens and heads up on the upcoming improvements.

7 Things We Learned Builiding an Animated Landing Page for our SaaS

Normally, I write about cold emails but this week is about something completely different. I’m going to tell you the story of our new landing page – have you seen it already? You lose a lot if you haven’t, believe me. Anyway, I hope this story and the 7 things we learned from it will help you in the process of creating landing pages for your own start-up.

6 Resources to Help You Build Contact Base for Cold Emailing

Obviously, any cold email campaign cannot exist without prospects. So as soon as we're ready to get about crafting our cold emails, we also need to find our prospects' adressees. In step one, we define the profile of our ideal prospect. But in step two, it's time to look for some actual contact data. First and foremost, we need our prospect's email address, name and company. Then, we can find some more information to personalize our emails. In this post, I give you 6 resources that we found helpful when building our prospecting process. Hope you will find them helpful as well.

Who Are Really My Prospects? – Our Way for Persona Development

Do you know who your prospects are as people? What do they like? What do they care about? What are the things that they can’t stand? What are their personal and business goals? Here’s how we've found specific answers to all those questions for our business, and why finding those answers is so important for the success of your company.

What’s The First Step to Outbound Prospecting?

Good email copy is important. In 2015, I wrote over 40 posts on various aspects of good cold email copy. But even with the best copy but no people to send it to -- we're stuck. So except for good copy, we need a list of contacts for our outbound prospecting. Outbound prospecting isn't easy. Building a prospect list is hard. It requires lots of time and effort. And with respect to your time and effort, there's one thing you need to do before you roll up your sleeves and start collecting contacts. Actually, it's a question you need to answer to yourself. Here's the question and how to find the answer.