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email cadence - cover photo

What is an Email Cadence + How to Find the Right One

Struggling to get responses from your email outreach? The problem might be your email cadence. Get it wrong, and your messages go unnoticed or annoy recipients.

Should You Use a Mass Email Sender? - cover photo

Should You Use a Mass Email Sender?

Mass email senders work wonders when used right. Crossing into spammer territory is easy if you're not careful. Use them wisely to ensure your emails are welcome, not unwelcome. 

How to Improve Cold Email Open and Reply Rates: Inbox Rotation 

We’ve made an important change to the way Woodpecker sends your campaigns. Our new Inbox Rotation feature will help you scale up your outreach despite recent changes in sending limits by many email service providers.

Woodpecker warm-up & recovery

Why is Warm-up & Recovery No Longer Available for Google Users?

Recently, the world’s largest email provider - Google - informed us that it has decided to part ways with all automated warm-up services for their email accounts. 

email warm-up: manual or automated?

Woodpecker Warm-up & Recovery Is Now Available on Free Trial

Drumroll please. You can now use Woodpecker Warm-up & Recovery on the trial for free. That’s right – you don’t have to pay a penny to start using it right after you sign up.

How to Safely Scale up Your Cold Email Outreach

Here’s the scenario. You only recently started with Woodpecker but you already see the massive potential you’ve unlocked with cold emailing. After a bit of experimenting and browsing through our massive library of guides and other helpful resources, you’re comfortable with the basics of good subject lines and persuasive content and maybe you’ve even mastered the concept of ready-made email sequences.

Done and Delivered logo

Introducing Done & Delivered – Our Newest Video Series

Before joining Woodpecker, about 8 months ago, I had never heard about cold emails. I didn’t know what they were, or any of the rules and best practices associated with them. You could say that I was… left out in the cold. But, this week marks the premiere of my own deliverability-focused video series, D&D. So, you may be wondering - how did it come about?

best email warm-up tools

8 Best Cold Email Warm-up Tools in 2024

Have you ever wondered if every email you send from your mailbox will be successfully delivered? If you want to avoid the SPAM folders and land your cold emails in your prospects main inboxes, this article is just for you.