Woodpecker Blog

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How to Generate More Leads After a Webinar?

I'm sure you can agree that webinars are time-consuming and stressful. Not only do you have to carefully plan the whole thing out, but you also need to oversee a lot of things, such as recording & sound quality, take care of the Internet connection, plus you need to make sure there's enough space for everyone to attend the webinar.

15+ Places Where You Can Find B2B Leads, Other than LinkedIn

If someone made a list of the "most commonly used sources of b2b leads", LinkedIn would be undisputable #1 on that list. And that's understandable. LinkedIn is a mine of information about businesses and people connected with those businesses. But there are also other platforms including collections of companies, divided into categories, where you can find ideal prospects along with some reference points for your cold email campaigns. Here are 15 places on the web where you can find SaaS companies, startups, software houses, marketing experts and other companies that will match your Ideal Customer Profile.

10 Reasons Why Your Cold Emails Are Getting No Response

This week we have a guest post by Nina Cvijovic, who is a researcher and writer at Etools. Nina analyzed 10 reasons why your outbound email campaigns may not be reaching the response rate you expect them to, or are not generating any responses at all. Either way, there's always a field for improvement in cold emailing. So go through the 10 checkpoints below, and read some advice on how your response rates can be improved.

What Does “Ideal” Really Mean in the Ideal Customer Profile?

We treat ICP (ideal customer profile) seriously at Woodpecker. We constantly work on the profile and try to keep it updated. That's not an easy task, because the profile evolves as the company grows and the business situation changes. Our Customer Success Team runs regular meetings concerning ICP. On one of those meetings, we realized that the "ideal" may actually be a set of various traits, depending on the point of view. See what we've figured out in terms of defining our ideal customer profile.

How to Process Emails Effectively: 5 Email Management Tips

Email gives us the opportunity to communicate instantly without any cost attached to it and that’s precisely why everyone uses it. But, when you have to process hundreds of emails every day, email management can be more of a distraction than help. This is a guest post by Niraj Ranjan Rout, the founder of Hiver.

Woodpecker Partner Program - referral partner program

What Is a Cross-Promotion & How to Find Cross-Promotion Partners?

I would say that for a business like ours to thrive in the internet era, it needs three things: a website that converts, testimonials from happy customers and a steady flow of targeted visitors. Out of the three, the most tricky to get is the last one. You can improve website conversion rates by running A/B tests. You may encourage people to leave you testimonials with an email plan. But how to get a growing number of visitors who fit your target? In this post, I share one idea that can boost your website visits.

What's the Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Lead Service

What’s the Difference Between Inbound and Outbound Lead Service?

You can get leads from two sources: inbound and outbound. But what's actually the difference between the two when it comes to sales? How do you approach the leads from those two sources? Should you work out two different strategies for serving them? If so, how should the strategies differ? Keep reading to find the answers to those questions and convert more leads, both inbound and outbound, into customers.