Woodpecker Blog

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Using Email to Improve Customer Experience

This blog is focused on cold emailing for lead generation, however, email can be a great medium to stay in touch with those who are already customers. So I asked Stewart from Fieldboom to write a couple of lines on how to communicate with your customers via email.

A Little Big Thing – What Do I Put in My Email Signature? (Updated)

What do you think is the first thing you need to start sending emails? Good copy. Sure, but even before that. A list of prospects. Obviously, but before that. It may seem kind of confusing and not so obvious, as the thing you need first is actually at the end of your email. It’s a signature.

How Should I Take Care of My Brand Online Before Email Outreach?

Most cold email senders craft their campaigns with a view to acquiring new business relations. They commit all their efforts to planning a new cold email campaign. They spend a long time on precise targeting, perfecting their email copy and taking care of impeccable deliverability. In the end, they do indeed achieve a very high open rate of their email campaign, one that would amaze even a well-seasoned cold email sender. Yet the reply rate to their campaigns is very poor. How is that possible?

Set a Custom Domain for Tracking Email Opens, Clicks and Unsubscribes in Woodpecker

Lately, we added an option to set up a custom domain for tracking email opens, clicks, and unsubscribes in Woodpecker. What's that all about? Check here and find out how you can use the custom tracking domains to take full control of your email deliverability, boost your credibility in the eyes of your prospects, and add another little branding touch to your messages sent from Woodpecker.

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation Practical Guide for Email Senders

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation will be brought into effect on May 25, 2018. It's still a few months ahead, but it's good to learn right now how the regulation will affect you and your business. Especially if you send any kind of business emails. You could have already read some articles summarizing GDPR, but if you still don't know how it will actually affect you in practice and what to do to be GDPR compliant, check out this post.

Woodpecker Prospecting Webinar Vol.1

At the end of last year, our outbound sales team hosted a webinar made for Quora users interested in lead generation. It was their first webinar, therefore, the outbound team wanted the audience to be relatively small. We thought you might be interested in watching the webinar and learning more about our approach to list building. So today, we’re publishing the webinar, and at the same time, officially launching Woodpecker YouTube channel.

How We Asked Quora People to Attend Our Webinar: Vol. 2

Not so long time ago, I described at length how you can use Quora for targeting. I shared a tactic we use here at Woodpecker for finding people who would be interested in a webinar about doing outbound. Recently we’ve managed to organize another webinar. We carried out a webinar about outbound for contacts we found on Quora.