Recruiting Email Templates For Cold Outreach

Employment recruiters are discovering the power of cold emails in their daily challenge of connecting with top talent to fill client positions. Effectively reaching out to job seekers and others who aren’t even necessarily looking for a job switch is how conversations start and cold emails have become a must-have for any successful recruiter.

Cold emailing has become part of the digital toolbox for recruiters because it’s less intrusive than cold calling and much easier to scale. The ability to start and maintain multiple conversations at once, each at a different stage in the process, is key to maximizing the chances of finding just the right person for the job and nothing else works like cold emails.

Both recruiters and prospective employees have their own reasons to like, use and depend on cold emails. That’s why they become a standard, expected part of the job placement process and the perfect way to start the conversation about moving to a new job.

Use templates to save time and get results

Just as with other applications of cold emails, the use of cold email templates is a shortcut to success for recruiters. Templates are ready-made messages for a wide range of contexts, already carefully constructed and to format your message in the best way. They also include pieces of text, called custom fields (or as we call them in Woodpecker – snippets), that can be easily changed and substituted to create more personalized messaging, further increasing their effectiveness.

Having a library of templates readily available means you can save time and get your outreach campaigns started faster. Why compose a new message every time when it’s very likely that you’ve used similar or identical messaging before?

When recruiters reach out to prospective employees, they usually use one of a small number of angles or approaches, depending on the context. If you have a great template ready to go for each of those situations, you can save time and be sure that you are using a “formula” that has worked before and likely to remain effective because it ticks all the right boxes.

Before we look at some specific examples of cold email outreach templates for recruiters, let’s go over the most important things to bear in mind before you hit “Send”:

Adjust your tone for your audience

Since you have an audience of one, that means small but important changes in, for example, the way you address people. A C-level executive probably won’t be impressed by a casual, informal tone but that’s exactly what a Gen Z candidate probably expects. Always remember who you’re writing to and maintain the proper tone.

Your signature matters

Make sure it looks professional and includes your contact touchpoints. Don’t forget that Woodpecker offers a free email signature generator!

A clear CTA

Never leave someone asking “Ok, but what do you want me to do?” Whether it’s accessing your calendar, replying to you or anything else, be sure that CTA is unmistakable.

Make it about them

Just as with sales-oriented cold emails, your cold outreach for recruiting purposes needs to focus on the recipient and how they can benefit from what you’re doing.

Keep it as short as possible but long enough to get your message across

You can get into the details later in the conversation so don’t waste time and space in your email on things you can discuss next time. Your first outreach is about establishing the value you’re offering and gauging interest.

You need a great subject line

Subject lines are always a challenge but that just means you might need to spend more time on them than you thought. You need to make the recipient interested in what’s inside the email but don’t have many characters to do it. In recruitment, the name of the position in usually in the subject line so use that as a starting point.

Personalization, more personalization and then some more personalization

Be sure that your subject line is relevant to the needs & problems of the recipient. Remember, your email is all about them, so make it about them and what they need. Look out for too much “I / me / my / we / our” in your message.

8 great examples of cold email templates for recruiters

As we mentioned earlier, recruiters often find themselves reaching out to prospects based on a handful of the same situations that they encounter over and over. Someone they found on LinkedIn, someone recommended by a mutual friend, someone they’ve been in touch with before, etc. These and other situations come up frequently, so it makes perfect sense to put well-constructed templates to work instead of reinventing the wheel every time.

Just let me share a quick reminder, however, that you should never copy and paste these or any other templates directly into the email that you send out. Templates are starting points that help you save time, not the finished product. To make them as effective as possible, they need to be completed with information — snippets — that adapt them to the individual context and situation of a particular recipient. They have to be personalized so that every single email speaks to the unique circumstances of everyone who receives the email.

Your cold recruiting emails are only ready after they’ve been tailored with personalized additions that make sure that no two recipients receive the same message.

So, with that reminder out of the way, here are 8 templates for different types of cold email outreach situations for recruiters.

Reaching out to a candidate you found on LinkedIn

Outreach without revealing client name

Outreach citing past success and social proof

Reconnecting with an old candidate

Outreach based on something the candidate has published

Using a mutual connection to email a new prospect

Short email to gauge interest

Follow-up email for non-response after first message

Start growing your recruitment template library for cold emails

That should be enough to get you started but you will definitely run into other situations in your work as a recruiter. When you recognize certain emails that cover the same ground, prepare a template for that conversation, file it away and take it out as needed. Again, there is no reason to reinvent the same thing over and over when you can get a jump start on your cold recruitment campaigns by using templates that provide a framework for your message.


10 Golden Rules of Cold Email

Writing a cold email is easy. That’s what people think – I mean the people who never tried writing one. It’s not easy for many reasons, but especially because we have to remember about so many things at once while writing it. Actually, we have to remember about at least 10 things. I call them the Golden Rules of Cold Email. Whether you're sending cold email for some time now, or you're just starting and have never sent your first cold email campaign yet, you should know them by heart. Here they are.

14 Deliverability Checks to Carry Out Before Sending Your Cold Email Campaign

You can have control over your cold email deliverability. In outbound outreach, it's crucial how many of the emails you sent actually get to your prospects' inboxes. There are at least 14 points on a deliverability checklist that you can, and should, go through before you start off your email campaign. I've listed them below in three categories. Some of them you may already know of, but some may be new for you. Check the list and see if you're doing everything you can to ensure that your cold emails actually get to their destination.

10 Reasons Why Your Cold Emails Are Getting No Response

This week we have a guest post by Nina Cvijovic, who is a researcher and writer at Etools. Nina analyzed 10 reasons why your outbound email campaigns may not be reaching the response rate you expect them to, or are not generating any responses at all. Either way, there's always a field for improvement in cold emailing. So go through the 10 checkpoints below, and read some advice on how your response rates can be improved.