Mary Siewierska

Mary was a Content Specialist at Woodpecker. Because of her inquisitive nature and curiosity, she quickly became our Quora, Twitter and LinkedIn expert.

How to Improve Your Cold Email Engagement Rate and Avoid SPAM Filters

We tend to think about email statistics just from a business perspective. Obviously, we want a 100% open rate and no fewer replies. That would be amazing, wouldn't it? And if it turned out that the majority of replies were positive, we would win. However, the business advantage of getting high email stats is nigh on impossible without taking proper care of email deliverability. Keep on reading to learn how the reply rate affects email deliverability.

A Pain of Cold Emailing in Finance and Real Estate: How to Get Through SPAM Filters?

What differentiates cold emailing from other types of 1-to-1 outbound practices is that a huge chunk of a cold emailing process can be automated. You just come up with an email copy, insert a few snippets, add your prospects, and there you have it. A campaign is ready to be sent. You don’t need to send it manually. Still, outreach by email may quickly backfire when you riddle your copy with words that trigger SPAM filters. Words such as ‘insurance’, ‘financial’, ‘medicine’, ‘mortgage’ all alarm SPAM filters. But what if that is the vocabulary you use in your profession on a daily basis? How to avoid going to SPAM then?

Should You Worry About SPAM Trigger Words? (Updated)

I've seen a lot of cases where an email copy has destroyed a cold email campaign's deliverability. The scenario usually goes like this. A cold email sender writes an email copy, unintentionally riddled with SPAM words. They purchase an email list online and using an email address that hadn't been properly warmed up, they click 'Send'. And thus they are in trouble.

15 Best Sales Email Subject Lines We’ve Come Across (Updated)

We always say that a cold email subject line is like a key to a door. Today, I present to you examples of attention-grabbing subject lines that will work like the right key to the right door and open up a conversation with your prospect. We analyzed the best sales email subject lines at Woodpecker and uncovered a really interesting thing that may help you. Keep on reading to find out what it is.

What is Upselling and Cross-selling and How to Apply These Techniques in a SaaS Sales Process?

Although an e-commerce sales process greatly differs from the sales we usually cover here, I believe there are some tactics that can be taken from it and applied to your own SaaS sales process. For instance, upselling or cross-selling on the order value. Let's see how you can use e-commerce's tactic of upselling and cross-selling to boost your sales.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 15: Voilá Norbert

Time to get back to the longest-running series on the Woodpecker blog. Last time we reviewed Today I have another long-standing app for you. It's Norbert, one of the most popular email finder solutions, so we couldn't skip it in this series. Let's see what his co-founder, Sujan Patel, has to say about it.