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Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 2: FindThatLead

In the second part of our Prospect List Building Tools series, we’re presenting the interview with Gerard Compte from FindThatLead – a plugin for building prospects lists using LinkedIn and Twitter. We’re currently testing the plugin and we’re sharing our experience below.

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Email Campaign Tools: A List of the Best Ones in 2025

Did you know that over 80% of emails never even get opened? If you want to break through the noise and get real results, you need the right tools.

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A List of the Best Email Sequencing Tools

Sending one-off emails won't cut it anymore. If you want to win leads and close deals, automated email sequences are your secret weapon.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 6: LeadIQ

Prospect List Building Tools Review is back. This time, we checked out LeadIQ – a prospecting tool created in San Francisco. I interviewed Cole Fox, their Chief Sales Hacker, and found out how to build extended, up-to-date lists of prospects including more than just names and emails. Meet Cole and discover another smart plugin for outbound prospect list building.

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19 Best Sales Tools To Make Your Sales Tool Stack Shine

Forget the myth that you need the latest flashy tools to succeed in sales. The right combination of well-chosen tools can outperform the fanciest gadgets any day.

How to Make Prospecting More Productive with Google Sheets?

Desktop cluttered with dozens of CSV files, their copies, and copies of their copies. Sending CSVs back and forth between your team members. Time wasted on finding a way to stay organized despite the chaos. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Indeed, for many salespeople, it is a daily struggle. So why not ditch the CSVs for something easier to manage and more teamwork-friendly? For example, build your prospect list in Google Sheets and have it integrated with your follow-up automation tool? No more copying, importing and exporting. Let me show you how to make your prospecting more productive with the new Google Sheets integration, we’ve just rolled out.