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Many cold email senders seem to think that a great opening message is what you need to master the outbound email outreach. Well, it is indeed – but it’s also not enough. Follow-up emails to those who didn't respond to our initial message are a must if we think of a truly effective cold email campaign. Here's a kind of 'Follow-up 101': why follow-up is so important and what we should realize before we start sending it.
Woodpecker Meeting III – We Can Call it a TraditionWe are happy to announce that on the 7th of May (after 5 hours spent in a notarial office) we finalized the agreement on pre-seed funding with Xevin Lab, a part of Xevin Investments. We are thrilled to be supported by the well-respected Poland-based fund focusing on innovative, high-potential companies developing new technologies and media market solutions (we especially like the ‘innovative, high-potential’ part). We also feel honoured to be selected from numerous Central and Eastern Europe promising start-ups.
Not 50% open rate, mind you. 50% REPLY rate. That means half of the people I wrote to actually replied to me. And 100% of those were kind replies. Not “leave me alone” or “unsubscribe” kind of replies. I started some nice conversations and got a couple of people on Skype – which was the purpose of my email. Here’s my exact copy and some comments on how I constructed it.
How do most cold emails you get usually start? And how many of them did you read from “Hi Joe” till “Best regards”? Yeah... so you should know by now how NOT to start an email. What should the cold email introduction include instead to make your addressees keep reading and respond?
I saw numerous articles, posts and videos on how to write effective cold emails. Most of them mention the subject line, the introduction, the pitch, the CTA. Some of them mention the signature. But I couldn’t find an article enhancing the importance of the “From” line. And this is also one of the crucial elements of a cold email. In fact, it is almost as important as the subject line.
This is the final part of this article. I’m describing here the third email of the interview we carried out at 52Challenges that helped us learn a lot about our prospects’ job specifics and define the most crucial features in our SaaS. Read on if you want to see a real-life example of how email interviews can help to build a SaaS business.
In the first part of this article, I wrote about how we started the interviews with personal trainers at 52Challenges via email. I also mentioned that the interview included more than one email. Here's about the second one. Treat this blog post as a guide that'll show you how you can leverage email interviews to help to get your SaaS business up and running.