Learn how to send effective cold emails
with Woodpecker Academy
Free access to advice on deliverability, cold emailing and more.
with Woodpecker Academy
Lately, we got some questions from our users about attachments in cold email. I understand that many sales people got used to sending emails including attachments. But when it comes to cold email campaigns, attaching files to the messages may actually make you look less reliable as an email sender, and thus cause some serious deliverability problems. I decided to write this post to show you some reasons why using attachments in cold email may not be the best idea. I also present here some alternative ways of sharing content with your prospects.
If you've been into cold emails for some time, or if you get hundreds of cold emails into your inbox, you are probably able to quote some cliché phrases and structures showing up over and over again for years. I described just a few of them below. Check if you know them. Check if you use them. Check how to replace them, which may probably boost your reply rates.
The moment you get an interested reply to your cold email... That's when you realize that the entire process of defining your ICP, looking for prospects, finding their contact data, was not a waste of time. This is the moment when you get rewarded for your hard work and effort. This is the moment we are all waiting for. But as soon as you handle the initial excitement, you actually need to come up with a reasonable response. Here are a few points you should pay attention to, if you want to keep an interested prospect interested.
I've noticed that I'm more likely to respond to a cold email if I had a chance to see the sender's name or photo somewhere else before. That allows me to suppose that there's a way to boost open and reply rates of my cold email campaigns by making a warm basis for my cold emails. I've came up with a list of ways to warm up prospects' list before sending them cold emails and follow-ups. These simple actions may seriously increase your open and reply rates. Check them out, give them a try.
In 2016, I wrote around 20 posts about prospecting tools and tactics. I decided to prepare a little synthesis of the prospecting know-how I've shared with you so far. Here's the outbound prospecting process divided into 5 steps.
Question: Is there a golden way for getting a quality contact list of sales leads? The answer, sad but true: No, there isn't. But there are at least three good enough ways worth trying. All of them have their pros and cons. Not all of them will match your particular process of generating sales leads. The key is to choose those that work best for you and your company. Here's a short analysis of the three ways to help you decide where to start from.
If you're doing outbound sales, you've probably heard about the ABSD (Account Based Sales Development) trend lately. Is it new? Is it for everyone? Is it a revolutionary approach that will bring you $$$ as soon as your sales team adopts it? What is it, really? Check out the short introduction to ABSD in simple words.
Dear users, have you ever gone crazy while trying to manage your prospect base in Woodpecker? If so, you should keep reading. Lately we’ve introduced some massive improvements into Woodpecker's interface to improve the UX. Now our users can easily and safely add, manage, and delete their prospects' data. Here's what's new and how it's better than before.