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4 Definitive Reasons Why Targeting Drives Cold Email Outreach

Master the art of targeting and you're bound to unleash the full potential of your cold email campaigns. Here are 4 good reasons why targeting should become your core practice for cold emailing, because it influences everything from locating customers to crafting personalized messages that engage and convert. This is a guest post by Piotr Zaniewicz, CEO @RightHello. If I was to create a list of experts on lead generation, or B2B outbound sales process, Piotr and his team would definitely be in top positions. If you're not sure what targeting is and why you need it for your cold email campaign, make sure you don't skip this one.

Why We Set up a Separate Mailbox for Outbound Campaigns?

When we were getting about sending our own cold email campaigns, the first thing we did was setting up a new mailbox for each of our sales persons. Those new email accounts have been created on a separate domain and dedicated exclusively to outbound email campaigns. Why did we do that? And how can you do that quickly and conveniently for your own outreach?

Personal Touch Email in Sales: 3 Steps to Write It

Three questions: What's the little big thing that makes our cold email interesting from the very first line? What makes our prospect feel that we really care about talking to them? What changes generic bulk emails into personal valuable messages? One answer: Personal touch. And note that putting in our addressee's first name in the salutation is not enough nowadays. Here's how to add a personal touch to a cold email campaign in 3 steps.

What Can We Do to Boost Our Cold Email Deliverability?

Do you think all your emails get delivered to your addressee's main inbox? Are you sure they really do? Here's about email deliverability and how much we should care about it sending cold emails. Can we raise it? If so, how to do that? This post is about people, bots, human-like bots, bot-like people and about how all of them decide whether our emails get delivered or not.

10 Golden Rules of Cold Email

Writing a cold email is easy. That’s what people think – I mean the people who never tried writing one. It’s not easy for many reasons, but especially because we have to remember about so many things at once while writing it. Actually, we have to remember about at least 10 things. I call them the Golden Rules of Cold Email. Whether you're sending cold email for some time now, or you're just starting and have never sent your first cold email campaign yet, you should know them by heart. Here they are.

10 Factors that Make Our Cold Emails Work (or Not)

If you're sending cold emails, you know that sometimes your messages work amazingly well, sometimes they work OK, and sometimes they don't work at all. And whether your outreach works great, or it hardly works at all, there's always a reason for that. Actually, in most cases, there's a whole collection of reasons for that. Here's a list of 10 factors that you may want to check to discover the cause of your campaign's success or failure, and to improve the effectiveness of your emails in general.

How to Start B2B Cold Email Outreach?

Here's what it usually looks like: we read Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross, we read some articles by people who have succeeded in doing cold email, we download some PDFs from the people who have gained lots of new customers and partners for their businesses thanks to cold emails. We soak up all the theory until one day we think to ourselves: ok, now it's time for practice. Sooo, where do I start... I mean, what do I do literally? This post proposes an answer to this crucial question.