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8 Tips for Successful Sales Approach According to Muhammad Ali’s Rules for Victory

American former professional boxer. Widely considered one of the greatest heavyweights in the history of sport. One of the most recognized sportsmen of all time. Recently he passed away, but left great learnings and approach that should be a motivation for all of us. This is a post inspired by and dedicated to one of the greatest people of all time. Today, Muhammad Ali will teach you, sales folks, how to be successful in your own sales ring! This is a guest post by Emilia Mosiewicz – Sales Director at LiveChat.

Woodpecker Meeting I – or What We Did after Getting Our First 150 Customers

In June 2016, we decided we should celebrate once we get 100 customers. That's a milestone for a SaaS startup, and we were getting closer and closer to the magic number. We bought a bottle of champagne and put it on the top shelf of our office fridge – to let it cool down and wait for the big moment. Here's what we did when we hit the first hundred and afterwards.

What Should Go First: Cold Email Copy or Prospect Base? (free PDF included)

How do you start your cold email campaigns? Do you look for prospects first – or do you write your emails first? The order here should not be random, so the answer to the question: “what should go first?” really does matter. But the answer appears more complicated than you might think.

How to Overcome 3 Common Sales Objections & Close More Deals

"Your price is too high... I'd buy, if only you had feature X... We already use software for this..." – we all hear that sometimes while talking to our prospects. Check out the advice from Steli Efti of Close on how to handle 3 common sales objections: the pricing objection, the feature objection, and the change objection in your conversations with potential customers

6 Trends in Cold Email that Will Help You Get New Clients Abroad

We’re witnessing the renaissance of B2B cold emailing in outbound lead generation and sales. For the last several years cold calling 2.0, described in the famous Predictable Revenue by Aaron Ross, is becoming increasingly popular in the US and Western Europe. It appears, however, that the method requires more and more advanced tactics to be equally effective as it was only a few years ago.

Woodpecker for B2B Lead Generation Agencies

In the renaissance of cold emailing, some companies made outbound lead generation the core of their business. We call them lead generation agencies, as they offer the service of generating B2B leads for the sales teams of their client companies. The agencies send numerous emails and follow-ups on behalf of their clients. Managing so many cold email campaigns at the same time can be a real drag. That's why we've implemented a separate set of features dedicated to lead generation agencies in Woodpecker.co. Here's how you can handle all your clients' campaigns within Woodpecker's agency panel.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 2: FindThatLead

In the second part of our Prospect List Building Tools series, we’re presenting the interview with Gerard Compte from FindThatLead – a plugin for building prospects lists using LinkedIn and Twitter. We’re currently testing the plugin and we’re sharing our experience below.