Woodpecker Blog

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How to Warm Up My Email Address before Cold Outreach

Remember how I wrote about why it's a good idea to set up  a separate email for outbound? Here's a kind of a follow-up to that topic. Before you start using a newly set up mailbox for serious outbound campaigns, it's crucial to warm it up a bit. At Woodpecker, we often see that totally new email addresses used for outbound without any warm-up get blocked soon after an outbound campaign is fired off. Here's more about why that happens and how to avoid it. Check out the step by step plan on how to warm up your email address before starting a cold email campaign.

Attachments in Cold Email: Should We Ever Use Them?

Lately, we got some questions from our users about attachments in cold email. I understand that many sales people got used to sending emails including attachments. But when it comes to cold email campaigns, attaching files to the messages may actually make you look less reliable as an email sender, and thus cause some serious deliverability problems. I decided to write this post to show you some reasons why using attachments in cold email may not be the best idea. I also present here some alternative ways of sharing content with your prospects.

Customer Case Study: How edrone.me Builds Relations with Future Customers Using Cold Email

It's a dream for a SaaS team when they hear that a customer of theirs is satisfied with the service and wants to share their experience as a case study. That's what happened to us when Michal Blak, the Co-founder and CEO of edrone.me told us that he's open to tell the story of his team's experiences with Woodpecker. Michal Konieczny, who takes care of business development at edrone, added his two cents and here we are. Check how the e-commerce CRM uses Woodpecker to start conversations with their ideal customers.

What Is Woodpecker Partner Program And How Did We Start It?

Woodpecker Partner Program kicked off just a couple of months ago. We've created it to support the companies and the people who refer Woodpecker to their partners, customers, and friends. Today the program includes over 80 partners. In this post, I wanted to give you a little summary on how it works, who can be a part of it, and how we plan to develop it in the future. Read on to check what you can gain by becoming our partner.

Cold Email Clichés, or What Your Prospects Have Seen Too Many Times to Care

If you've been into cold emails for some time, or if you get hundreds of cold emails into your inbox, you are probably able to quote some cliché phrases and structures showing up over and over again for years. I described just a few of them below. Check if you know them. Check if you use them. Check how to replace them, which may probably boost your reply rates.

Customer Case Study: How Lead Pal Uses Cold Emails to Get New Agency Customers

Last week we announced 500+ companies on board with Woodpecker. This week we'd like to introduce to you one of them. They are called Lead Pal and they are a lead generation agency who provide their clients with full service outbound lead generation as well as custom-made prospect lists. I've had a great pleasure to talk to George Fironov – the founder of Lead Pal, who told me the story of how he started his business and how he's been developing it with cold email outreach.

500+ Customers at Woodpecker.co

We're thrilled to announce that over 500 companies from 49 countries have already trusted Woodpecker. It's been two years since we started working on our email automation software. We've learned a lot over this time about business relations, product development, marketing, sales and customer support. We are still learning and striving for improvement.