
How to Check the Technical Settings of a Client Account

If your email doesn’t reach the inbox of the recipient, your campaign will be doomed to fail. No prospect will interact with your content, no matter how great it is. That’s why you need to check three essential technical settings before scheduling the first shipment.

3 key technical settings you need to check

1. SPF/DKIM configuration

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) DNS records list servers authorized to deliver emails from a domain. It verifies that your domain’s mail servers and IP addresses send messages.

DKIM, on the other hand, verifies a company’s email and helps identify phony email addresses, fights spam, and prevents spoofing and identity theft.

You need to make sure that both are correctly configured to avoid any shipment issues.

2. Domain age

Sending out multiple emails from a relatively young domain is risky, as the messages may look suspicious to providers – and go straight to spam. Check the age of your client’s domain to understand what you’re working with and adjust your course of action.

3. Check if the client is blacklisted

This one is a must-have! Finally, make sure that your client’s domain isn’t blacklisted anywhere. If you discover that it is, there are ways to get the domain off the blacklist – and accomplishing that will have a huge impact on your client (and it’s also bound to impress your client!).

Additional things to keep in mind

Set the right “from” name

Where does the email come from? The right “from” name can make an email seem more real if it shows that it was written by a real person.

Adding a suitable picture is also important – the recipient might click on the sender’s profile, and if they see a stock photo, they’ll quickly move this email to spam (which, obviously, will have catastrophic consequences for your entire campaign).

Polish your email signature

The signature needs to be simple and clean. Avoid including too many links. Add a link to the website and a selection of the client’s social media channels. Make sure that the signature gives the impression that the email was sent by a real person.

If you need some help, Woodpecker offers a handy email signature generator for cold emailing.

Start small

At the beginning of your campaign, send just a few messages per day to check if there are any problems or if your emails are landing in the spam folder. If you start getting responses, you’re ready to increase the sending volume.

Wrap up

Checking the technical settings seems like a small step, but it has a massive impact on the effectiveness of your campaign. If you’d like to learn more, we have an ebook that dives into the details of deliverability. Follow this link to download it.