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This is the final part of this article. I’m describing here the third email of the interview we carried out at 52Challenges that helped us learn a lot about our prospects’ job specifics and define the most crucial features in our SaaS. Read on if you want to see a real-life example of how email interviews can help to build a SaaS business.
In the first part of this article, I wrote about how we started the interviews with personal trainers at 52Challenges via email. I also mentioned that the interview included more than one email. Here's about the second one. Treat this blog post as a guide that'll show you how you can leverage email interviews to help to get your SaaS business up and running.
Wait, isn’t it that you first send a cold email to set up an interview on the phone..? Well, most probably yes, especially when you have a complete service or product that you want to sell. We didn’t have that then.
Finally, your new SaaS business is about to kick off. You have the MVP ready. Your website is live. All you need now are… the customers. How to get your first clients? You could wait for them to find your website on Google, but that takes time, and time is money. You can try to attract them with ads, but that’s a pricy option when you’re a bootstrapped startup. You can also make use of one of the very few free things in business - emails - and directly reach out to the people who you’d like to be your clients. That’s the option we went for when we were developing our first company that gave rise to Woodpecker. In this blog post, I’d like to tell you a story of how we found our first prospects’ email addresses.
It was another regular team meeting. Except it wasn’t regular, as we had just decided to pivot. From a widely available workout plan design service to SaaS exclusively for personal fitness trainers. And what is the first thing to do when you decide it’s time to pivot? Obviously, you need customer interviews -- you need to ask people if they would be interested in your new idea.