Woodpecker - Features

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features hero image with three products options
available with add-on
All features available on free trial
Cold Email
Inbox Rotation
Invalid email detection
Deliverability Monitor

Free for all users. Spot upcoming deliverability problems at one glance and solve them so your domain reputation stays high.

Sending Volume Monitor

Automatically detects upcoming provider’s limits and intervenes, to protect you from getting blocked by your email provider.

Randomized sending frequency

Your emails will be sent in random time gaps in order to imitate manual sending and decrease the chances of your email provider taking you as a spammer.

Spam check

You can increase deliverability by making sure your emails don’t contain any spam-triggering words or links that might seem suspicious to anti-spam filters.

Advanced sending parameters
  • adjustable daily sending limits
  • customizable sending intervals
Domain audit
  • SPF & DKIM settings verification
  • domain age report
Custom tracking domains

Improve your sender reputation for top deliverability rates.

Advanced campaign automation
A/B testing (up to 5 versions)

Test up to 5 versions of a message to find out what works best and improve delivery rates.

Condition-based campaigns

Set up follow-up variations depending on a prospect’s behavior.

Email Templates

Create, edit, and manage cold email templates for faster results.

Manual tasks

Reminder to perform and action.

In-thread follow-ups
Reply detection

When a prospect replies, Woodpecker automatically detects it and stops further follow-ups.

Autoreply detection & reschedule

If you receive an automated out-of-office message from your prospects, you can easily send them a follow-up when they return to work.

Up to 12 steps in a campaign

Every campaign can be composed of up to 12 steps which can be a combination of emails, LinkedIn manual tasks and phone calls.

Only Agency features
All clients on one dashboard
One-click login to a company
Overview of all clients’ results
Separate account data for full safety
Clients can manage email connection on their own
View-only access for clients
Notifications for all accounts in one place
Integrations with all email providers

Connect an email from any provider to Woodpecker through SMTP: Zoho, GoDaddy, Amazon, iONOS, Office 365, Exchange, Google, Mailgun, SendGrid

Google Sheets integration
Pipedrive two-way sync
HubSpot two-way sync
Calendly integration
Zapier integration
API keys & documentation
Multichannel outreach
LinkedIn Automation via Dux-Soup

Dux-Soup is an app that automates LinkedIn actions such as visiting profiles, sending connection requests or sending direct messages. Use our native integration to build multichannel campaign and close more leads.

LinkedIn manual tasks: semi-automated workflow
Manual call tasks
Email-LinkedIn-call combined sequences

Combine emails, LinkedIn manual tasks, and phone calls to increase the chances of connecting with your prospects – all within one campaign.

Snippets - dynamic custom fields

Snippets are pieces of information you can merge into your message template. They add a human touch and allow you to easily personalize your outreach. When a snippet you’ve used in a message isn’t filled out, the email won’t be sent.

Snippet-based conditions

Starting campaign with snippet-based conditions allows you to contact two segments of prospects within one campaign flow.

Customize an email in preview

There is no need to create a new campaign if you want to send a different initial message to just a few selected prospects. Just use customize in preview.

Send in the prospect's timezone

When you fill out your prospect’s country, Woodpecker will automatically match the correct timezone.

Reply from the built-in inbox

You can reply to your prospect’s message directly from your built-in-inbox after clicking on the ‘reply’ button located next to the message.

Sending security
Empty custom fields detection

When a particular snippet is not filled out for a prospect, Woodpecker will detect this and the email will not be sent.

Duplicate detection

If you have previously contacted a prospect we will ask if you definitely want to add them to your campaign again before any email is sent to them.

Blacklisting domains

You can choose which domains or addresses you don’t want to contact.

Preview and test an email before sending

Before sending your campaign you can run a preview to see how your emails will look to your prospects. Additionally, you can send yourself and others test emails.

GDPR compliance

Woodpecker provides full compliance with the GDPR when it comes to data processing. GDPR requires you as a customer to be able to erase data permanently and we help you with this with a dedicated GDPR-encryption feature.

CCPA compliance

Woodpecker is compliant with CCPA, we will never sell your personal data and take care of all security measures necessary to fulfil this standard.

Stats & tracking
Built-in AI interest level detection

Saves your time by automatically marking replies from interested prospects in English.

Sorting replies by interest level

In every campaign you can filter your prospects’ replies depending on their interest level.

Open rates

We track when a prospect opens your email.

Click rates

We track when a prospect clicks on a link in your email.

Reply rates

We track when a prospect replies to your email.

Soft bounce rates

We track when your email is sent but not delivered to your prospect. This may be caused by your email address being blacklisted, marked as spam or your inbox being full.

Hard bounce rates

We check your prospects email addresses right before they are sent and if they are incorrect the email will not be sent.

Opt-out rates