Cold email

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15 Best Subject Line Examples We’ve Come Across (Updated)

We always say that a cold email subject line is like a key to a door. Today, I present to you examples of attention-grabbing subject lines that will work like the right key to the right door and open up a conversation with your prospect. We analyzed the best sales email subject lines at Woodpecker and uncovered a really interesting thing that may help you. Keep on reading to find out what it is.

How to Use Social Listening Tools to Better Personalize Your Cold Outreach?

Personalization is one of the golden rules of cold emailing. Throughout this blog, you’ll find many arguments behind using personalized snippets in your email copy. The more personalized it is, the higher the chance of getting a reply.

Value Proposition – How to Tell Your Addressee Why You Reached Out to Them? (Updated)

The value proposition is probably the most difficult part to craft well in an email. Why? ‘Cause if it sounds even a bit salesy – the prospect may get scared off. Too blurry – the addressee may not get what we want from them and become disinterested. Too personal – it may just seem creepy. So how should it sound so the recipient gets actually intrigued and wants to reply?

Perfect CTA, or How to Write a Persuasive Cold Email? (Updated)

Whereas a well-crafted subject is key for boosting our opening rates, the CTA (call to action) is the key to boosting the reply rates. That’s the sentence, or a question, the addressee reads at the end of our message. That’s the part that persuade them to undertake some action – send us a reply, click the provided link, sign up for a trial. If you want to know how to write effective CTAs, keep reading.

Best Signatures for Sales Emails: Let’s Analyze What Makes Them Effective

Email signature may seem like no big deal. After all, there are plenty of signature templates to choose from. You could just pick the one you like, customize it and paste into your email, right? This could be enough in the case of a regular business email signature. A signature for a sales email, however, requires a bit more attention as it serves an extra purpose -- it should increase your credibility in the eyes of your prospects and encourage them to reply to you.

What You Should Definitely Steal From Cold Email Templates

The core purpose of cold emailing is to start a conversation with a prospective customer and build a valuable business relationship off of it. However, to get there you need to catch your prospect’s attention and spark their engagement first. Your cold email copy plays a major role in achieving this goal. Coming up with compelling content is not a piece of cake, though. It takes time, effort and a substantial amount of creativity. Although copying a cold email template you found on Google won't get you any customers, seeing what others have written in their email copy is a source of inspiration. We studied quite a few cold email templates and summed up the most effective formulas you can steal to craft your own email copy.

5-Minute Campaign Audit for a Cold Email Newbie

Are you just one click away from sending your first cold email campaign? Then this post is for you. Hold your horses for a moment, and spare a few minutes to do a quick campaign audit before you click the ‘send’ button. Here’s what you should check to make sure your campaign is all set and ready to go.

GDPR After Brexit: How It May Affect Cold Email?

There's a lot of uncertainty around the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Since some of you target the UK, I think you wonder what will happen there in terms of GDPR. Will GDPR be still relevant after Brexit? Let's see.