Learn how to send effective cold emails
with Woodpecker Academy
Free access to advice on deliverability, cold emailing and more.
with Woodpecker Academy
A couple of weeks ago Cathy, our CGO and founder of the Woodpecker blog, got a cold email. Big news, right? She gets a lot of cold emails. Well, she gets a lot of bad cold emails. This one was good.
The key phrase in today’s title is business email. You’re practicing business—so be professional. Remember that above all else while considering the best way to end an email, and you shouldn’t go far wrong.
Many cold email senders seem to think that a great opening message is what you need to master the outbound email outreach. Well, it is indeed – but it’s also not enough.
Some would immediately say Yes! to putting an unsubscribe link. Some would say No… The answer to this is more complex than it may seem, so whatever your first answer was, you may want to check this article for a non-radical but rather a common-sense approach to an opt-out in cold email.
Over the span of 2 years, Woodpecker has grown a lot faster than we’ve predicted. We have 1000+ customers on board who come from 52 different countries. But what’s more important for today’s blog post, Woodpecker has sent way more than 20 million sales emails throughout all this time.
Lately, we're getting lots of questions about GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This seems like a topic that still needs some clarification. That's why here we've put together a GDPR FAQ - a list of frequently asked questions about the regulation along with our answers. Hope you'll find here some useful clues and practical tips about processing data and managing your email campaigns according to the GDPR principles.
If someone made a list of the "most commonly used sources of b2b leads", LinkedIn would be undisputable #1 on that list. And that's understandable. LinkedIn is a mine of information about businesses and people connected with those businesses. But there are also other platforms including collections of companies, divided into categories, where you can find ideal prospects along with some reference points for your cold email campaigns. Here are 15 places on the web where you can find SaaS companies, startups, software houses, marketing experts and other companies that will match your Ideal Customer Profile.
This week we have a guest post by Nina Cvijovic, who is a researcher and writer at Etools. Nina analyzed 10 reasons why your outbound email campaigns may not be reaching the response rate you expect them to, or are not generating any responses at all. Either way, there's always a field for improvement in cold emailing. So go through the 10 checkpoints below, and read some advice on how your response rates can be improved.