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Woodpecker b2b sales prospecting checklist for success

B2B Sales Prospecting Techniques – a Checklist for Success

B2B prospecting is always a challenge but there are some shortcuts to success. I’ve put together some tips for boosting your chances with some simple but effective improvements you can make to your cold outreach.

What’s The First Step to Outbound Prospecting?

Good email copy is important. In 2015, I wrote over 40 posts on various aspects of good cold email copy. But even with the best copy but no people to send it to -- we're stuck. So except for good copy, we need a list of contacts for our outbound prospecting. Outbound prospecting isn't easy. Building a prospect list is hard. It requires lots of time and effort. And with respect to your time and effort, there's one thing you need to do before you roll up your sleeves and start collecting contacts. Actually, it's a question you need to answer to yourself. Here's the question and how to find the answer.

5 Tips for Effective Sales Prospecting in 2020

Looking for ideas to level up your prospecting game in 2020? Here you are -- I put together a list of 5 sales prospecting tips worth implementing into your lead generation strategy this year and onwards since I believe they are pretty much everlasting. Get yourself a nice cup of coffee and read on.

Automate Prospecting and Outreach withLeadFuze + Woodpecker

Remember the time we reviewed LeadFuze for our prospecting tool review series? Now I can finally announce that Woodpecker has integrated with LeadFuze. And in this guest post, Justin McGill himself will tell you what you can do with the integration. Keep on reading to discover how you can benefit from using Woodpecker and LeadFuze according to Justin.

How to Manage a Sales Team to Make Prospecting Predictable?

Outbound emailing requires a lot of research into a target group and A/B testing before it can take off and become truly predictable. It's not unusual that a sales team (ours included) loses its motivation before that happens. Either that or they lose focus and target prospects ad hoc, just to get their numbers right. There is something that helped us. It is a proper goal setting.

vidoe prospceting guide - a picture of a camera

How to Get More Clients with Video: a Guide to Video Prospecting

In recent years, video has skyrocketed in popularity worldwide. And included within an email, it gets additional superpower. So we thought it'd be interesting for you if Darius from Dubb shared his insights and tips. Keep reading to find out how to make an A+ prospecting video, what mistakes to avoid, and how to include videos in your sales process.