Sandra Wilk - Senior Content Creator at Woodpecker

Sandra Wilk

Editor in Chief at

Sandra is a language geek. She enjoys creating stuff and chatting with people, and there are few things she appreciates more than a good story.

A/B Testing in Email: an FAQ to Clear All Your Doubts

About two months ago Vovik, our Head of Inbound Sales, hosted a live Q&A to share his knowledge of A/B testing in email. We were surprised at how many questions you guys asked! It looks like the topic of A/B tests in email needs to be explained in more detail, so I teamed up with Vovik to provide even more A’s to your Q’s. Check them out below.

SaaS User Onboarding Emails: Tools & Strategies to Increase Conversion

It’s impossible to retain 100% of your trial users. In some cases your product turns out not to be the best fit for them, their priorities change or they’re hoping you’ll develop it in a direction that’s just not aligned with your vision. There are other reasons trial users don’t convert, though - ones that you can control.

How to Avoid the SPAM Folder?

When you send out an email, it goes through a series of SPAM-filtering tests that determine whether it will be let through to the inbox. And sure, this doesn’t really stand in the way of your email getting through when you want to just grab a coffee with friends (unless there’s 500 of them and you’re emailing them all at once with the same message), but it might prove problematic when you’re reaching out to prospects or clients and your messages keep being mistaken for SPAM. See how to make sure your emails are getting exactly where you want them to - to the contact’s main inbox.

Customer Case Study: Lead Gen & Link Building Outreach with DevsData LLC

It's always interesting for me to see how our customers use Woodpecker - and what exactly do they use it for. Is it just for generating leads? Spoiler: no, it's not.

How to Convert Free Trial Users into Paying Customers in SaaS?

You might have the best SaaS product in the world, but still getting users to convert into paying customers won’t happen by itself. This process needs to be thought through and designed so as to nudge the user in the right direction. But how do you do so? What determines if users will convert or not? I asked SaaS Growth Specialist Michał Fiech to help me out with this one and chime in on the topic. Ready? Let’s go.

What is DNS? How Does It Work? – Short Guide for Beginners

Are you worried you won’t get what DNS is all about because you’re not a tech-savvy person? Well, neither am I. It’s for other people like me that I did my best to get to the bottom of this topic and explain it in plain English, as simply as possible. So set your worries aside and dig in.