Mary Siewierska

Mary was a Content Specialist at Woodpecker. Because of her inquisitive nature and curiosity, she quickly became our Quora, Twitter and LinkedIn expert.

5 Cold Email Writing Services to Use, and When You Need Their Help

Cold email writing is a skill and like any other skill, you need to hone it before you can call yourself an expert. But what if you cannot devote enough time to master that skill? What to do then? You can search for ready-made email templates in Google, and use the one you like. Yet, it's a risky maneuver. Your prospect may have already received the exact email template from somebody else. I wrote some time ago that it's not a good solution. Fortunately for you, there is yet another option - using one of the services that specialize in cold email writing. Such a service can cost a bit, but there are two scenarios when a cold email writing service is a godsend.

Announcing Native Pipedrive Integration

Are you a Pipedrive user? Or are you looking for a CRM to connect your Woodpecker account with? Here's the first native integration of Woodpecker with the most popular CRM among our users. Continue reading to learn how you can connect Woodpecker to Pipedrive.

2018 in Review – The One We Thank You For the Awesome Year

A lot has happened last year. Woodpecker had many feature updates, launches, and overall company growth. Suffice it to say that we have many good things to share with you. I'd love to sum up 2018 at Woodpecker with you today so that we can enter the new year full of fresh ideas. What do you think?

What is the Risk of Embedding an Image/Video into B2B Email?

I'm sure you've read somewhere on the web that putting personalized visuals into cold email copy is the next big thing in email outreach. There are a lot of case studies that vouch for their effectiveness in increasing reply rates. Even here at Woodpecker blog, we have a guest post about including GIF into B2B emails. But is it worth the effort? What could go wrong? How to do that? Let's see.

7 Little-Known Woodpecker Features, and Do you Use Them?

Who doesn't love discovering new app hacks or using features that could help them? I'm sure there's a tech-savviness inside of most of you. And most of you would love to find out whether you use the app to the fullest. We have some app hacks for you. Let's find out if you know about them.

4 Things You Need To Know When Choosing An Email Provider

There are a couple of things you need to pay attention to before you set up a separate email account for outbound. But first, what are the services that offer email accounts? The most popular email host among our users is Gmail. Then, we tend to spot accounts at Outlook, Zoho and GoDaddy. But you can also set up an account at Yahoo! Mail, AOL Mail, ProtonMail, Rackspace, and the like.