Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 13: Management-Finder from eGrabber

It’s about time for another prospecting tool to be reviewed. I was approached by eGrabber’s team who proposed to me that they would do a demo of their tool, Management-Finder, to see how it works and how a prospecting team can use it.

I invited Luke from the Business Growth Team and we spent some time playing with the tool. It’s an unusual app but highly advanced and Luke got very excited about it. He said that he would save a ton of time with this tool.

I spoke to Clinton Rozario and his colleagues at eGrabber. Let’s find out more about the tool.

About eGrabber:

eGrabber has been working in sales and marketing automation for two decades now. Their first ever invention – the business card reader – was invented and sold way back in the 1990s. After 100,000+ customers in 5 of the 7 continents, 9 brands, and many patents, eGrabber currently sells tools for automated list building and research.

eGrabber tools help those who cannot find ready-to-buy prospect lists; or have in-house starter-lists that need to be updated with decision makers, title, email, phone & other demographic information.

photo of clinton from egrabber

Clinton Rozario

I was curious enough to ask Clinton a couple of questions about eGrabber’s Management-Finder too see how it stands against other tools for prospecting that we’ve reviewed so far. For what I’ve gathered, eGrabber has a bunch of tools for list building. Management-Finder is just one of them.

I understood that it’s designed to find prospect data of Upper-Management at any company of your choice.

1. How would you describe eGrabber’s Management-Finder in 4-5 sentences?

Clinton: Management-Finder is an Account-Based Lead Generation tool. If you have a list of Companies, typically you have to manually research for Decision Makers and then their email and phone. This manual process takes a long time. Besides you need an Internet-Research expert. Or worse, you need to designate someone with valuable skills to this manual process.

Management-Finder automates this entire process. You don’t have to spend any time in manually building Account-Based lists. It goes one step further compared to other lead gen tools.

Management-Finder is built for sales, marketing and lead generation teams, to find decision makers (CEOs, CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, CXOs, VP-level, Director-level, Founders) along with verified business contact information, twenty times faster than manually.

2. What is the greatest benefit of using Management-Finder?

C: The greatest benefit of the tool is that whenever you start with a list of targeted company names, you don’t need to spend any time. Management-Finder uses a list-building process that no one else in the market does.

Here are some use-cases.

  1. Searching for prospects on popular sites: For instance, if you want to target Recently Funded companies from Crunch Base, Management-Finder can do the account-based research for you.
  2. Searching based on the conferences, tradeshows, attendee list: upload the Company names into Management Finder. Then you specify the Title that you want at those companies, and Management-Finder will auto-research those decision makers for you.
  3. Targeting companies that use specific technology: our trainers will show you expert techniques for building this list of companies, and then Management-Finder will research the decision makers for you. You can also import a List of Companies from a spreadsheet and then get Account-Based leads for those companies.
  4. Using it for hiring purposes: Recruiters use Management-Finder to make a list of companies which are hiring a specific skill right now and then get management names. Also target companies which a Growing in Size, companies which are in the news or press releases and companies in LinkedIn searches.

3. How does the process of building database look with Management-Finder?

C: It’s very simple.

  1. Upload a list of Companies into Management-Finder;
  2. Specify what Titles you want to dig out.

The tool gets you their name, email-ID, phone number and LinkedIn-ID Management-Finder is the tool for the job when you want to be targeted, rather than using a Generic List from LinkedIn.

4. Do I need any additional tools/add-ons to use it efficiently?

C: Yes. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a very good tool to use with Management-Finder. So that you can use Management-Finder more efficiently.

5. What kind of information can I actually collect using Management-Finder?

C: You can collect a lot of data:

  • Company (you give this as input)
  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Email-ID (SPAM-SAFE / Verified / Business Email ID)
  • Phone Number (Corporate / Direct)
  • LinkedIn-ID (Personal LinkedIn ID)
  • Company Web-Domain
  • Email-Domain
  • City / State / Zip / Country / Region (not always)
  • Industry (not always)
  • Connected to You? / Degree of Connection (not always)

Our customers fall in love with the process that the tool has automated. We have so many people tell us they do the same process manually and are so happy we have automated all the steps.

6. How many contacts can I have per month? (limits)

C: That depends on how many you are planning to build, or research.

7. How much is it (per month & per contact)?

C: Pricing starts at $1,195 for 800 decision makers. And goes down to 50 cents per decision maker in volume. These are highly targeted custom leads that other companies charge $10 to $25 each – you only pay 50 cents each.

Additionally, you can add email and phone to another 15,000 Records. This means if you have another list of names and companies, or a list of people on everyone’s favorite business network, you can find their email and phone.

The plan above is not a fixed number. Talk to us, we will give you a customized quote.

Is there a free trial?

C: There is a free trial. You get 50 Names, along with business email address and phone. Hope this will be helpful to understand our product.

Our experience with eGrabber’s Management-Finder


A huge email campaign created in seconds

When the eGrabber team did a demo of Management-Finder for us, Luke couldn’t get over the fact that the tool would make his job a lot faster. And this is the biggest selling point of eGrabber’s Management-Finder — you can build an enormous list in just a few seconds. The team marked the criteria Luke and I chose for our next campaign in LinkedIn Sales Navigator and there we had it, a mountain of prospects who matched our ICP profile.

At first, I didn’t get the impact the tool would have on the job of a prospecting specialist like Luke. But he explained to me that the most ponderous thing for him in his job was manually copying and pasting prospect data from a tool like LinkedIn Sales Navigator into the CSV file.

With a Management-Finder, Luke would just pick choose a website he wants to prospect on, pick a target position of a decision-maker, be it a director, VP or any executive, and he would get a ready-made list of prospects. He could devote the rest of the time on coming up with a personalized copy. That sounds really convincing for us to invest in it.

All in all, Management-Finder automates a really time-consuming process, namely, list making. But you need to have an idea who you’re looking for before you put the tool to work.

The data is accurate

eGrabber’s Management-Finder verifies data before it puts it on the list. Therefore, you don’t get a ton of email bounces. That is very convenient – you pay for what you get. You can be sure that you don’t waste your resources.


It’s a downloadable program

For those of you who prefer using web apps (like I do) that would be a bummer. You need to download a zip file and install the program on your computer. There’s no alternative. Still, it’s not a deal breaker as the software is pretty intuitive and it does its job – finds prospects for you to reach out to. I suggest you try it out to see if such a solution suits you.

It can be costly for a small team

Luke observed that eGrabber can be quite costly for the team like ours. The trial lasts only 7 days but you can get the most of it. It’s a real time-saver so if you’re on the fence whether you should try it, I encourage you to give it a spin.

To sum up:

  • eGrabber’s has been around for some time and the team is very experienced in lead generation. Their Management-Finder is a testament to that. It saves you the most tedious part of an outbound sales rep job – list building.
  • It’s very easy to use. You’re just a two-click away from a list full of potential customers. You can type down the website and filter the upper-managers by the position you want to target.
  • It can be quite pricey, but it’s worth the money.

See also:

Benefits of using eGrabber + cold email tool

Combining Woodpecker’s cold emailing capabilities with eGrabber’s lead capture tools creates a powerhouse for building efficient outreach campaigns. eGrabber’s unique approach to gathering critical marketing data intelligence through online directories, job boards, and other platforms ensures you get the right prospects and avoid duplication.

This key differentiation factor sets eGrabber apart from peer software, offering verified business email addresses of decision makers.

When integrated with Woodpecker, you can automate your cold emailing process, managing email lists and targeting new clients with accuracy.

The seamless data flow from eGrabber to Woodpecker means that your lead capture is combined with Woodpecker’s deliverability and automation features, creating campaigns that are backed by the most critical marketing data intelligence.

This synergy allows for personalized, high-performing email campaigns that help you find job listings, avoid duplicates, and reach the right prospects more efficiently than any other peer software.

FAQ on eGrabber

Check out the answers.

Is eGrabber legit?

Yes, eGrabber is a legitimate company that has been in the lead generation and sales automation industry for over two decades. It’s well-known for providing efficient tools like Management-Finder and LeadGrabber Pro, which help businesses find verified business email addresses, decision makers, and other critical data to streamline their sales and marketing processes.

What does eGrabber do?

eGrabber provides tools for lead capture, list building, and data validation, making it easier for businesses to gather accurate information on decision makers. Their software automates the process of extracting contact information from online directories, job boards, and other sources to create an easily referenceable file for outbound sales and marketing efforts.

How can eGrabber help my business?

eGrabber helps your business by automating the process of finding right prospects and compiling email lists. With data validation and duplication avoidance, their tools ensure that your data is accurate and unique, reducing time spent on manual prospecting.


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