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Woodpecker for WordPress – Generate More Leads with Your Web Forms

What happens to the website visitors who filled out a form on your website? Do they get transferred into your CRM? Or does your newsletter software pick them up? What about uploading that data to Woodpecker? Previously, you needed to use an API aggregator, such as Zapier or PieSync, to send the data from lead forms into Woodpecker. From now on, however, you don't have to do that. If you’re on Team Pro plan, you can use Woodpecker for WordPress, a plugin that transfers the lead data directly into a Woodpecker campaign of your choice.

Links in Cold Email: How to Add & Track Them Safely (Updated)

Do you have links in your cold emails? I bet you do. We often feel the need to add a link or two – either in the body of our email or in the signature. Moreover, we usually want to know if someone clicked the link or not. Ideally, we would like to know how many people clicked the link and who it was exactly. There are many tools that allow us to track clicks on links in emails, but all of them use the same mechanism to do that. Unfortunately, the mechanism is not perfect, and it may cause spam alerts if we set up our links wrong. That's why it's important to put in the links properly into our message not to get into spam folder. Here's how to do that.

Streamline Your Cold Email Outreach: Native Hunter Integration

I'm excited to announce that as of now, Hunter is natively integrated with Woodpecker. So if you'd like to use the two apps to streamline your email outreach, there's no need to do it via Zapier (as you would have up till now). In this article, we’re taking a closer look at Hunter.io, and interviewing Marvin Magusara to find out more about the tool that has been extremely popular around professionals who deal with prospecting. Keep reading to see if Hunter is the right tool to add to your stack and what you could get out of the Woodpecker + Hunter native integration.

Recruitment Agencies: How to Follow up After a Job Interview?

As a middle-man handling the communication between employers and candidates you’ve got a lot on your plate. There’s identifying the traits of a perfect candidate for a position, reaching out, and keeping track of who’s where in the recruitment process… Would you like to make it easier? See how to communicate with candidates and employers after an interview.

How to Generate More Leads After a Webinar?

I'm sure you can agree that webinars are time-consuming and stressful. Not only do you have to carefully plan the whole thing out, but you also need to oversee a lot of things, such as recording & sound quality, take care of the Internet connection, plus you need to make sure there's enough space for everyone to attend the webinar.

15+ Places Where You Can Find B2B Leads, Other than LinkedIn

If someone made a list of the "most commonly used sources of b2b leads", LinkedIn would be undisputable #1 on that list. And that's understandable. LinkedIn is a mine of information about businesses and people connected with those businesses. But there are also other platforms including collections of companies, divided into categories, where you can find ideal prospects along with some reference points for your cold email campaigns. Here are 15 places on the web where you can find SaaS companies, startups, software houses, marketing experts and other companies that will match your Ideal Customer Profile.

10 Reasons Why Your Cold Emails Are Getting No Response

This week we have a guest post by Nina Cvijovic, who is a researcher and writer at Etools. Nina analyzed 10 reasons why your outbound email campaigns may not be reaching the response rate you expect them to, or are not generating any responses at all. Either way, there's always a field for improvement in cold emailing. So go through the 10 checkpoints below, and read some advice on how your response rates can be improved.