13 Amazing Outreach Email Examples for Cold Sales

outreach email examples - cover photo

What about writing emails in a way that speaks to recipients and making them want to read? Unachievable? Feels like walking through a maze?

Luckily, outreach templates offer a map for your emails.

Perfect for anyone from cold emailing beginners to veterans seeking new inspiration.

Our templates flex to fit your writing style and objectives. Combine them with email outreach software to turn your strategy into a success.

What is an outreach email, and why does it work?

An outreach email is connecting with potential collaborators or clients, offering relevant opportunities directly to their inboxes. Here, the goal is to build professional relationships and engage recipients.

The advantages of email outreach:

  • cost-efficiency
  • high potential for return on investment
  • mass customization of the messages so each recipient feels individually addressed

And you don’t have to work solo here. ⬇️

What could email outreach software do for you?

If you’re about to send cold emails, use a platform that:

  • Sends follow-up emails for you. So you don’t have to keep track of when to send another email to keep the chat going.
  • Lets you customize emails like you’re talking to just one person, even if you’re emailing a bunch of people at once. And get more replies.
  • Checks if email addresses are real with an email validator. Your emails actually reach people, and you’re not just sending messages out into nowhere.
  • Helps you see if your emails are working. Like, are people opening them? Clicking on links?

Woodpecker is a tool that covers all of the above! Check out the cold email capabilities.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to do it right, checking out some outreach email examples can give you a head start. The examples below show you how to write emails that get noticed and make people want to reply and purchase.

#1 Partnership outreach email template

🎯 Goal: To start a conversation about working together in a way that benefits both your business and the recipients.

⏰ When to use: send this when you want to propose a win-win partnership with someone in influencer marketing, for example.

Subject: Exciting Partnership Idea for Us

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I saw your work and think we can do something amazing together. I think you might be interested in [potential collaboration ideas] We’re looking at partnerships that help both sides, and you seem to be ideal.

We have an idea that fits influencer marketing and could be a win-win situation for both of us. Can we talk for a quick chat? I’m free [give two time slots], but I can work around your schedule too.

Let me know what you think! Hope to hear from you soon.


[Your Name]

[Your Job]

[Your Company]

#2 Booking a demo outreach email template

🎯 Goal: to encourage the recipient to book a demo for your product or service. It’s crafted to catch their interest and guide them toward taking the next step by scheduling a brief call or visiting a landing page for more details.

⏰ When to use: once you spot an interest in your prospect to use your product or service.

Subject: Discover What [Your Product/Service] Can Do for You

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name], and we help businesses [brief description of the problem your product/service solves]. I noticed you’re in [mention their industry or a relevant interest], and I believe our [product or service] could make a big difference for you.

Would you be open to a brief call to see it in action? It’ll be worth your time. During the call, I’ll show you how everything works and answer any questions you might have.

If you’re ready to see how [Your Product/Service] can help [specific benefit], let’s set up a time. Check out our landing page [insert landing page link] if you want to learn more.

Looking forward to potentially working together.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Company]

#3 Sharing a useful resource cold email template

🎯 Goal: to share something helpful, such as a guide, whitepaper, ebook, or something similar. Start with giving value to grab attention. This makes your email stand out and begins a positive connection.

⏰ When to use: send this email to introduce yourself to someone who could benefit from what you could provide. It’s a solid way to get noticed and make new connections.

Subject: Thought You Might Find This Interesting

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

We thought we’d share a useful resource.

[Describe the resource briefly, what it is, and why it’s beneficial. Make it directly relevant to the recipient’s interests or needs.]

We’ve received great feedback on how this has helped others in [mention the specific area or field], and we hope it can do the same for you. You can access it here: [Insert Link to Resource].

No strings attached—just thought it could be beneficial for you or your team. If you find it useful and would like to explore more great resources or have a chat about how we can help each other, feel free to get in touch.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Real-life example & tip: When introducing something new to people (resource page, recent article, or a new feature), add compelling visuals, and a clear CTA.

Airbnb email

source: ReallyGoodEmails

#4 Mutual connection outreach email template

🎯 Goal: to introduce yourself and propose a collaboration or discussion related to influencer marketing. Also, the aim is to build trust basis and open a dialogue that could lead to beneficial outcomes for both parties.

⏰ When to use: when you discover a potential collaborator or influencer who shares a connection with you.

For example: You and the influencer both attended the same digital marketing conference last month, the influencer and you share a mentor, and both of you were featured in a recent industry publication.

Subject: [Mutual Connection’s Name] Suggested We Chat

Hi [Name of the Recipient],

I hope you’re doing well. [Mutual Connection’s Name] mentioned your work in influencer marketing, and I was impressed. They thought we should connect, and I agree.

I’m [Your Name], and I specialize in [Your Area of Expertise]. I believe we could create something valuable together. I have a couple of ideas that might interest you, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts as well.

Would you be open to a quick call or meeting to discuss this further? I’m sure we can find a convenient time for both of us.

Thanks for taking the time to consider this. It would be great to collaborate with you.


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

🎯 Goal: to reach out for link-building opportunities. Suggest a collaboration that optimizes both your and the recipient’s website SEO efforts through strategically placed links.

⏰ When to use: you’ve found a website or blog post where adding your link would complement the content and help you both.

Subject: Let’s Grow Together 🌱

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I came across your article on [Article Topic] today, and I must say, it was insightful. I’m [Your Name], and I work with [Your Company], where we focus on [Brief Description of Your Work/Content].

I saw an opportunity to boost our mutual SEO efforts and enrich your content. Specifically, adding a link to our [Specific Content/Page] within your article. I believe your readers would find it very useful, and it fits seamlessly with your topic, especially if we use “[Anchor Text]” as the anchor text.

Would you be open to discussing this further? That would be great for both of us. Your content gets enhanced, and we get links.

Looking forward to your thoughts and hoping we can work together.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

#6 Guest post email template

🎯 Goal: to pitch a guest post idea to a website or blog that’s open to accepting guest posts. Propose a collaboration that offers their readers fresh content while providing you a platform to share your expertise.

⏰ When to use: after finding a site that matches your content goals and is known for accepting guest posts. It’s your chance to introduce yourself and propose a topic that adds value to an audience.

Subject: Fresh Content Idea for Your Readers

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Hope you’re doing great. I’m [Your Name], a [Your Position/Expertise] with a passion for [Your Niche]. I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I love how you cover [Blog’s Main Topics].

I noticed you’re open to accepting guest posts, and I’ve got a content idea that I believe your readers would enjoy. It’s about [Brief Description of Your Guest Post Topic], so something that complements your recent articles on [Related Topic].

I’m ready to provide a well-researched, unique article that fits your blog’s style and interests your audience. Plus, I’ll make sure it’s packed with useful insights and practical tips.

Would you be interested in hearing more about my idea?

Thanks for considering my pitch. I look forward to your feedback.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title/Expertise]

[Your Contact Information]

🎯 Goal: to tell someone about broken links on their website and recommend your content as a replacement.

⏰ When to use: send this email when you find dead links on a website where linking to your content makes sense. It shows you’re helping them fix a problem and suggesting your content as an alternative.

Subject: Found Some Broken Links on Your Site

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I was reading some articles on your website today because I really like your content. While I was there, I came across a few broken links that aren’t working anymore. I thought you’d want to know about them so you can fix them.

The broken links are on [Page Where the Dead Links Are]. Since I write about similar topics, I have some articles that could replace these dead links. Your readers won’t hit a dead end, and my content might help them out too.

If you’re interested, I can send you the links to check out. No pressure, though. I just thought it could work out well.

Thanks for your time, and keep up the great work on your site!


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Website]

[Your Contact Information]

🎯 Goal: to share a new resource you made that could help the person you’re emailing. Propose them something that can add value to their site and also help you by getting your resource linked, which can drive traffic to your site.

⏰ When to use: you’ve got a new, useful resource like a guide, tool, or article, and you think another website’s audience would love it. Spread the word about your great story or tool and help both websites get more visitors.

Subject: New Resource Your Readers Will Love

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name], and I recently put together a new resource that I think your audience would find super helpful. It’s [brief description of the resource pages], and it’s packed with info that makes for a great story.

I’ve been following your site, and I really enjoy how you always share valuable content with your readers. That’s why I thought of you when we finished this resource.

Would you be interested in checking it out? Here’s the link: [resource link]. If you think it’s a good fit, maybe you could share it with your audience. I’m excited about the possibility of working together.

Thanks for considering it! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Website]

[Your Contact Information]

#9 Podcast guest email template

🎯 Goal: to be a guest on someone’s podcast. You want to tell them how you can share great insights with their listeners and maybe even bring more media coverage to their show.

⏰ When to use: you have found a podcast that fits what you’re good at talking about. It’s for when you think you can add worth to their podcast with your knowledge and maybe even get more people to listen to it because of your appearance.

Subject: A new Episode Idea for [Podcast Name]

Hi [Podcast Host’s Name],

I’m [Your Name], a huge fan of your podcast. I work in [Your Area of Expertise] and have some fresh ideas that your listeners will love, especially about [Specific Topic].

I think I can bring great insights and maybe even help get more eyes on your show. How about a quick talk to see if we can make an awesome episode together?

Eager to possibly join you and share with your audience.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Info]

#10 Survey outreach email template

🎯 Goal: to reach out for feedback through a survey. The idea is to learn directly from potential customers and understand their needs and preferences to improve products or create something new they’ll love.

⏰ When to use: you have a survey ready that’s intended for feedback collection. For example, from people who might buy your products or services.

Subject: The Best Is Yet To Come


We’re gathering feedback to improve what we offer. Your input as a potential customer is super important to us.

Could you spare a few minutes for our survey? It won’t take more than [Time], and your thoughts would mean a lot.

Survey link: [Insert Survey Link]

Thanks a ton for helping us out! Let’s create something amazing together.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Info]

Real-life example & tip: Make the email’s color match your brand’s color. Everything will seem consistent and impeccable.

Miro outreach email

source: ReallyGoodEmails

#11 Warming up sales leads outreach template

🎯 Goal: to warm up sales leads, gently introducing them to your business and what you offer. The focus is on starting a conversation rather than making a hard sell right away.

⏰ When to use: once you have new leads or contacts that might not be fully aware of your new business yet. It’s the first step in sales outreach – you make a connection and lay the groundwork for future discussions about your products or services.

Subject: Quick Chat? Potential Opportunities Ahead

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We offer [Brief Description of Your Services/Products]. I think there’s a good fit between what we do and what you might need.

Interested in a short call to explore how we can help your business grow? It could be worth your time, particularly if you’re looking at new business opportunities.

Let me know your thoughts!


[Your Name]

[Your Role]

[Your Contact Info]

#12 Asking for a phone call email template

🎯 Goal: to set up a phone call to discuss potential opportunities or ideas. On top of that, to move beyond email outreach to a more personal interaction.

⏰ When to use: when you’ve discovered a potential opportunity for collaboration or partnership and want to discuss it more directly and personally than email allows.

Subject line: Can We Talk? Quick Call Request

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name], and I came across your profile recently. Your work caught my attention, and I think there’s a lot we could talk about [your idea on collaboration].

Would you be interested in a quick call? I have some ideas I’d love to share and hear your thoughts on.

Let me know if you’re up for it and when might be a good time for you.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Info]

#13 Follow up email template

🎯 Goal: to re-engage with recipients who haven’t responded to your initial outreach. Ideal for use in cold outreach campaigns.

⏰ When to use: cold email templates like these are great for making a second, impactful connection. Make it tailored to fit your target audience and catch their attention without being pushy.

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently reached out to share [briefly mention the purpose of the initial email] and wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to consider it.

Understanding you have a busy schedule, I thought a quick follow-up might be helpful. Our [service/product] comes with [mention key benefits] that I believe could be of great value to [target audience/company].

If you have any questions or need further details, I’m here to help. Alternatively, if now isn’t a good time, I’d love to know a more convenient moment to reach out or if there’s someone else on your team I should connect with.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

See more templates from Woodpecker: Cold email templates gallery.

Conclusion on outreach email templates

Success in email outreach comes down to the right mix of tools and tactics. Our outreach email templates provide a sturdy base to launch your campaign.

Use them to illuminate your path and open opportunities with each email you send.

But there’s also one more tactic that deserves mentioning once again – using cold outreach software. Sign up for Woodpecker for free to scale email outreach!


How to write an email for outreach?

When crafting an email for outreach, use a compelling subject line to grab attention, introduce yourself and your intent clearly, include contact details, and end with a call to action. Employ email outreach templates to maintain consistency and efficiency.

How do you write a media outreach email?

A media outreach email should start with a catchy subject line, briefly introduce your purpose, provide a resource page link if you’re offering content, and clearly state what you are asking for. Always personalize to the recipient’s interests or recent work.

How to write a cold outreach?

For cold outreach, use a cold outreach email template that includes a straightforward subject line, a concise introduction, an explanation of why you are reaching out, and how your proposal can offer valuable insights or benefits to the recipient.

What is a cold email example?

An example of a cold email could be: “[Compelling Subject Line] Hi [Name], I recently came across your work in [Field] and believe [Your Company/Product] could help you achieve [Specific Goal]. Let’s explore this together!”

How to start an outreach letter?

Start an outreach letter with a personalized greeting, a compliment or comment on the recipient’s recent work or achievement, and swiftly transition into why you are reaching out, using a warm email outreach template for guidance.

How do I start an outreach?

Begin your outreach by identifying the right contact details, crafting an engaging subject line, and opening with a respectful and personalized introduction that aligns with your sales outreach email template. Follow up with the purpose of your email and how it benefits the recipient.