What is email deliverability?

Email deliverability points to how many of your emails actually make their way into a recipient’s main inbox, instead of landing in their spam folder or promotions tab.

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14 deliverability checks to carry out before sending your cold email campaign

You can have control over your cold email deliverability. In outbound outreach, it’s crucial how many of the emails you sent actually get to your prospects’ inboxes.

There are at least 14 points on a deliverability checklist that you can, and should, go through before you start off your Woodpecker email campaign. We’ve listed them in three categories. Some of them you may already know of, but some may be new for you. Check the list and see if you’re doing everything you can to ensure that your cold emails actually get to their destination.

Let’s start with email configuration.

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How & when to test email deliverability: list of tools & alternatives

Are you taking good care of your cold email campaigns’ delivery rates? There are a few tools our team uses to help Woodpecker customers test email deliverability and improve it. In this post, we share this list with you and explain how & when you can use email deliverability tools by yourself.

So… When and how to test email deliverability?

You should test email deliverability in two cases: before starting your cold email campaign (whether it’s automated or not.), and during your cold email campaign, if you have some reasons to suspect that your delivery rates may be low, or you get blocked from sending by your email service provider.

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How does personalization affect cold email deliverability

We’ve written a few pieces on personalization in cold email. We’ve given numerous reasons why personalization is a must. Yet, here’s another one: deliverability of your cold email campaigns. This is something you can’t just ignore or omit, because if you do – your emails will simply stop being sent. Here’s more about the link between personalization and deliverability. Check how it works and how to personalize your cold email campaigns to make sure your emails get sent and delivered.

And what do we mean by “personalization”?

If you are able to send the very same message to hundreds and thousands of addressees, it means the message lacks personalization.

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Email deliverability metrics: how to monitor your deliverability

Following email deliverability best practices – although it might be a lot of work at times – is just one side of the coin. If you want to maximize the chances of your emails landing in a prospect’s main inbox, you need to also keep good track of how your emails are performing.

And what better way to do that than by keeping an eye on email deliverability metrics? But before we take a closer look at which metrics you should be focusing on, let’s talk about why email deliverability is so important.

Without good deliverability, your email campaign simply won’t reach your target audience.

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What can you do to boost your cold email deliverability?

Do you think all your emails get delivered to your addressee’s main inbox? Are you sure they really do? Here’s about email deliverability and how much you should care about it when you’re sending cold emails. Can you raise it? If so, how to do that? This post is about people, bots, human-like bots, bot-like people and about how all of them decide whether our emails get delivered or not.

But what exactly is email deliverability?

In a nutshell, it’s how many of the emails we sent actually got to our prospects’ inbox, or more specifically: how many of the emails got a chance to reach our prospects’ eyes.

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Knowing all this is one side of the coin. To fully succeed, pair it with a cold email tool focused on deliverability. Give it a go with a free 7-day trial

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What are email sending limits of various email service providers?

You have to know this. Especially if you do email outreach. Each email service provider has its own email sending limits. The limits may be daily, hourly, and sometimes also per minute. If you’re sending cold email campaigns without being aware of your email provider’s sending limits, your email account may get blocked before you know it.

In this blog post, you will find information about how many emails can Gmail send per day, how many emails can you send at once with Yahoo, how many emails can Outlook.com send at a time, what are email sending limits of some other popular email hosts, and how many emails are considered spam and how to avoid getting blacklisted.

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How to safely sale up your cold email outreach

Here’s the scenario. You only recently started with Woodpecker but you already see the massive potential you’ve unlocked with cold emailing. After a bit of experimenting and browsing through our massive library of guides and other helpful resources, you’re comfortable with the basics of good subject lines and persuasive content and maybe you’ve even mastered the concept of ready-made email sequences.

In short, you’re ready to go and can’t wait to get your message out to the world with tons of emails that will result in tons of leads.

And that’s why we want to have a word with you first.

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How to avoid the SPAM folder?

When you send out an email, it goes through a series of SPAM-filtering tests that determine whether it will be let through to the inbox.

And sure, this doesn’t really stand in the way of your email getting through when you want to just grab a coffee with friends (unless there’s 500 of them and you’re emailing them all at once with the same message), but it might prove problematic when you’re reaching out to prospects or clients and your messages keep being mistaken for SPAM.

See how to make sure your emails are getting exactly where you want them to – to the contact’s main inbox.

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Links in cold email: how to add & track them safely

Do you have links in your cold emails? We bet you do. We often feel the need to add a link or two – either in the body of our email or in the signature. Moreover, we usually want to know if someone clicked the link or not. Ideally, we would like to know how many people clicked the link and who it was exactly.

There are many tools that allow us to track clicks on links in emails, but all of them use the same mechanism to do that. Unfortunately, the mechanism is not perfect, and it may cause spam alerts if we set up our links wrong.

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How to include an image in your email without compromising deliverability

Adding images to your email copy, if not done correctly, can negatively impact your deliverability. But don’t worry because Weronika from our Customer Support team shows you a step-by-step of how to do it right and get the best results.

Why emails bounce back: 10 most common issues

A lot of factors come into ensuring email deliverability. As salespeople, we’d like to believe that being caught up on email protocols (SMTP, POP3 or IMAP), creating a converting subject line and relevant content is enough to make sure every email finds its reader. Unfortunately, the reality is different — even when it seems like you’ve done everything the right way, bounce rates are still through the roof.

In this guest post, Andriy Zapisotskyi, a Growth Manager at Mailtrap.io is going to take a closer look at email bounces — their most common two kinds and the reasons behind them.

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