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How to Make Prospecting More Productive with Google Sheets?

Desktop cluttered with dozens of CSV files, their copies, and copies of their copies. Sending CSVs back and forth between your team members. Time wasted on finding a way to stay organized despite the chaos. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Indeed, for many salespeople, it is a daily struggle. So why not ditch the CSVs for something easier to manage and more teamwork-friendly? For example, build your prospect list in Google Sheets and have it integrated with your follow-up automation tool? No more copying, importing and exporting. Let me show you how to make your prospecting more productive with the new Google Sheets integration, we’ve just rolled out.

Woodpecker Prospecting Webinar Vol.1

At the end of last year, our outbound sales team hosted a webinar made for Quora users interested in lead generation. It was their first webinar, therefore, the outbound team wanted the audience to be relatively small. We thought you might be interested in watching the webinar and learning more about our approach to list building. So today, we’re publishing the webinar, and at the same time, officially launching Woodpecker YouTube channel.

Woodpecker b2b sales prospecting checklist for success

B2B Sales Prospecting Techniques – a Checklist for Success

B2B prospecting is always a challenge but there are some shortcuts to success. I’ve put together some tips for boosting your chances with some simple but effective improvements you can make to your cold outreach.

How to Apply Selling Techniques to Cold Email Prospecting

List building is the outreach phase when we should learn as much as we can about our prospects so that we know what to put in our cold email copy. But what if we don't know what type of information to look for besides simple facts, such as company name, size, the number of employees, etc.? How to structure the research process to squeeze out the most of it?

What’s The First Step to Outbound Prospecting?

Good email copy is important. In 2015, I wrote over 40 posts on various aspects of good cold email copy. But even with the best copy but no people to send it to -- we're stuck. So except for good copy, we need a list of contacts for our outbound prospecting. Outbound prospecting isn't easy. Building a prospect list is hard. It requires lots of time and effort. And with respect to your time and effort, there's one thing you need to do before you roll up your sleeves and start collecting contacts. Actually, it's a question you need to answer to yourself. Here's the question and how to find the answer.

How to Manage a Sales Team to Make Prospecting Predictable?

Outbound emailing requires a lot of research into a target group and A/B testing before it can take off and become truly predictable. It's not unusual that a sales team (ours included) loses its motivation before that happens. Either that or they lose focus and target prospects ad hoc, just to get their numbers right. There is something that helped us. It is a proper goal setting.