Cold email

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7 Common Email Etiquette Mistakes You Need to Avoid When Writing Cold Emails

Although for many of us writing an email comes without much difficulty, it may be beneficial to stop, review what we've written and thought how others may perceive it. As we'll see in this post, we may commit a blunder without even knowing. Gloria Kopp authored a blog post for us about typical email faux-pas.

Connect External SMTP from Mailgun or SendGrid to Woodpecker

We've recently launched an option to connect an external SMTP from two email delivery providers: Mailgun and SendGrid. If you have been using one of those services to send your business emails, now it's easier for you to connect your SMTP to Woodpecker. If you haven't been using those, and frankly have a hazy idea what it is all about, you may want to learn more from this post. Either way, keep reading to find out when it makes sense to use Woodpecker's integrations with Mailgun and SendGrid and how you can actually benefit from that.

A Guide to Personalized Email Using Individual Videos and GIFs

As I've said in the previous post, cold emailing isn't easy. You need to run many tests, see what works and what doesn't, until you find your own take on the process. Also, you're competing for prospect's attention with other "cold emailers". To win, you may like to borrow practices from other email senders, be that email marketers. Julia Samoilenko, Marketing Manager at Chanty, wrote a guest post about using videos and GIFs in email, an on-trend practice among email marketers. Of course, it won't work on every group of prospects, but some of you may want to test it out. Maybe in follow-up emails?

How We Found Webinar Participants on Quora: Vol. 1

Before you venture into prospecting, you should have an ideal customer profile in place. However, what if you have an ICP worked out and you're stuck because you don't know where to search for prospects? Today, I'll show you that the online places you enjoy being at can lend itself perfectly to building a quality contact list. And that's based on Wojtek's, Head of Outbound Sales, experience.

How to Connect Your Email Address with – Update

Right now, people from over 52 countries are using Woodpecker. They use many different email providers next to the most popular ones, such as Gmail or Outlook. You may have noticed a change in the app when you were trying to connect your email to Woodpecker not so long ago.

How We Actually Rework Our Ideal Customer Profile

At the beginning of 2016, I wrote about the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) framework that we adopted at Woodpecker and about the way we worked on our marketing personas. At that point, we had around 100 B2B customers. Our customer base has grown to 1000 since then. And it has obviously changed a bit, too. Here's about how we actually measure the changes in our customer base in order to constantly rework our ideal customer profile as our company grows, and why it's important to keep the ICP up to date in general.

What Mail Merge Custom Fields Can I Use for Clever Outreach?

What are mail merge custom fields, dynamic fields, or snippets? However you call them, these are just the pieces of information about each of your prospects that can be merged into your email templates to make your messages catch people's attention. Oh, and one more thing - successful cold email outreach can't be done without them. In this post, I'm sharing some ideas for custom fields, other than the traditional first name and company name. Learn where to find them and how to add them to your prospect base for more effective personalization at scale.

Lean Approach to Email Outreach, or How Big Should My Cold Email Campaign Be?

Our users sometimes report to us that they couldn't find enough time to run their outbound campaigns. Yes, a well-thought-out cold email campaign takes some time to get prepared. But what we often observe is that cold email senders want to go large from the very beginning: have a prospect base including thousands of addresses, an 8-touch email sequence with A/B testing, and so on. In this post, I'm going to show you why it's more beneficial to start small. Check out what we call the lean approach to cold email, and why it's worth testing.