Mary Siewierska

Mary was a Content Specialist at Woodpecker. Because of her inquisitive nature and curiosity, she quickly became our Quora, Twitter and LinkedIn expert.

2 Quick Tricks to Speed Up a Cold Email Campaign in Woodpecker

I get it. You've connected your email address, wrote an outstanding email sequence, uploaded a long list of verified prospects and conducted a 5-minute campaign audit to check if everything's right, but Woodpecker has sent very few of your emails so far. Let's go through all the steps together and discover what can be improved to boost your sending.

The Better You Know How Email Works, the Higher Your Open Rate

There's a reason why we have 20+ email deliverability articles published on this blog. In order to be a pro at cold emailing and get outstanding results, you need to know how email works. Knowing how email works, however, doesn't mean writing the best email template out there. It goes well beyond email copy. It means knowing how email is sent and using this knowledge to schedule campaigns.

GDPR After Brexit: How It May Affect Cold Email?

There's a lot of uncertainty around the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Since some of you target the UK, I think you wonder what will happen there in terms of GDPR. Will GDPR be still relevant after Brexit? Let's see.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 13: eGrabber’s Management-Finder

It's about time for another prospecting tool to be reviewed. I was approached by eGrabber's team who proposed to me that they would do a demo of their tool, Management-Finder, to see how it works and how a prospecting team can use it. I invited Luke from the Business Growth Team and we spent some time playing with the tool. It's an unusual app but highly advanced and Luke got very excited about it. He said that he would save a ton of time with this tool. I spoke to Clinton Rozario and his colleagues at eGrabber. Let's find out more about the tool.

Expert RoundUp Vol. 1 – Conversational Marketing: Can it Boost Sales?

Lately, I've spent some time observing new trends in sales and marketing. I couldn't help but be drawn to "conversational marketing", a novel idea introduced by Drift, a platform that offers all-round solutions for staying in touch with customers and leads. The term itself seemed really interesting to me. After all, cold emailing is a form of starting a conversation, so if something like "conversational marketing" gets blog coverage, it's even better for cold emailing and similar technology that enables brands to stay in touch with their leads. So I popped into a chat with Mark Kilens from Drift who's worked extremely hard on Drift's Conversational Framework. I also reached out to lead generation experts and asked them to say a few words about the rise of chatbots and conversational marketing. Let's see what they had to say about it.

Woodpecker Partner Program – Waiting for You to Join and Grow With Us

Remember our previous blog post about Woodpecker Partner Program? Back then, the program was in its beginnings. And that was when? In the spring of 2017. Now, we've entered the first quarter of 2019, and all of that stands to prove that it's the best time for those of you to get involved.