Cold Mailing Glossary letter h

How to save email as pdf

To save an email as a PDF, you can follow these steps based on common email clients and platforms:


  1. Gmail (Web version):
  •    Open the email you want to save as a PDF. 
  • Click on the printer icon located in the top-right corner of the email window to open the print preview.
  • In the print preview window, choose the "Save" or "Print" option.
  • Select "Save as PDF" from the list of available printers or destinations.
  • Choose the desired location on your computer to save the PDF file, and click "Save."
  1. Outlook (Web version):
  •    Open the email you want to save as a PDF. 
  • Click on the ellipsis (...) icon in the top-right corner of the email window to open additional options.
  • From the dropdown menu, select "Print."
  • In the print preview window, choose the "Save" or "Print" option.
  • Select "Save as PDF" from the list of available printers or destinations.
  • Choose the desired location on your computer to save the PDF file, and click "Save."
  1. Outlook (Desktop version):
  •    Open the email you want to save as a PDF. 
  • Go to the "File" tab in the Outlook toolbar.
  • From the dropdown menu, select "Save As."
  • In the "Save As" window, choose the desired location on your computer to save the PDF file.
  • In the "Save as type" dropdown menu, select "PDF (*.pdf)."
  • Enter a filename for the PDF and click "Save."
  1. Other Email Clients:
  •    If you're using a different email client or software, look for options like "Print" or "Save As" within the email interface. 
  • In the print preview or save options, select a PDF printer or the option to save as a PDF file.
  • Choose the location on your computer to save the PDF file, and click "Save."

Please note that the steps provided above are general guidelines, and the specific options and locations may vary depending on the email client, version, or platform you are using. Additionally, if you're using a mobile email app, the process for saving an email as a PDF may differ. In such cases, you can explore the app's settings or options to find the "Save as PDF" or similar functionality.