Cold email

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9 Resources that Help Learn Quality Cold Emailing [Updated]

Quality cold emailing is a skill to be learned. It cannot be learned overnight. It takes months and years to learn how to write and send cold emails that work. And the learning never stops, really. It's a process of constant improvement. And during the process, you constantly look for guidance, inspiration, and advice based on experience. Below, I'm sharing with you my list of 9 cold emailing resources including books, ebooks, blogs, and a YouTube channel that are helping me in my learning process.

sales breakup email

Sales Breakup Email – Why Would You Break Up with a Prospect?

Have you ever felt frustrated when prospects haven’t replied to your emails? You’ve put so much effort and time into writing a good email, you’ve picked an email automation tool that sends like a human to help you out with sending the messages, but some prospects are still unresponsive.

bad and good cold emails examples

From Horrible Cold Email to Winning Cold Email: Two Real-Life Examples

Writing a good cold email is harder than it seems. In this blog post we’re showing you real-life examples of good and bad emails. Use them for inspiration when you’re going to create your own.

how to write a follow-up if you haven't heard back

How to Write a Follow-up Email If You Haven’t Heard Back – Tips & Real-life Examples

A couple of weeks ago Cathy, our CGO and founder of the Woodpecker blog, got a cold email. Big news, right? She gets a lot of cold emails.  Well, she gets a lot of bad cold emails. This one was good.

ways to sign off an email

How To End a Business Email – 15 Good (And a Few Bad) Email Sign-Offs

The key phrase in today’s title is business email. You’re practicing business—so be professional. Remember that above all else while considering the best way to end an email, and you shouldn’t go far wrong.

How to send a follow-up email after no response?

How to Send a Follow-up Email After No Response (2023)

Many cold email senders seem to think that a great opening message is what you need to master the outbound email outreach. Well, it is indeed – but it’s also not enough. 

Should I Give My Cold Email Addressee a Way to Opt Out?

Some would immediately say Yes! to putting an unsubscribe link. Some would say No… The answer to this is more complex than it may seem, so whatever your first answer was, you may want to check this article for a non-radical but rather a common-sense approach to an opt-out in cold email.

Cold Email Statistics Based on Sending Over 20M Cold Emails

Over the span of 2 years, Woodpecker has grown a lot faster than we’ve predicted. We have 1000+ customers on board who come from 52 different countries. But what’s more important for today’s blog post, Woodpecker has sent way more than 20 million sales emails throughout all this time.