How to End a Cold Email (So It Gets Answered)

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Many hate cold emails, but what if ending them the right way could change that? The success of a cold email often hinges on how it concludes. Crafting a compelling closing line can make all the difference in grabbing your prospect’s attention and securing a positive response. So, how about you learn how to end a cold email and watch all these answers pouring in?

Cold Emails Then vs Now

Cold emailing has come a long way since its inception. In the early days of email communication, salespeople relied heavily on cold emails as a digital extension of cold calling. The goal was to cast a wide net, often resulting in generic and impersonal messages that were more likely to end up in the spam filter than in a prospect’s inbox.

Back then, the focus was on sheer volume – sending as many emails as possible in the hope that a few would lead to new customers. Over time, however, the approach to cold emailing evolved. Advances in cold email software and the rise of email campaigns brought about more sophisticated methods.

Sales professionals began to recognize the importance of personalization, the strategic use of catchy subject lines, and the inclusion of clear calls to action. The shift was from mass outreach to targeted, well-crafted messages aimed at addressing specific pain points of the recipient’s business.

Today, a successful cold email campaign hinges on understanding your target audience and providing a value proposition that resonates with them. Incorporating elements like a professional looking email signature, social media links, and a calendar link for easy follow-ups can significantly enhance response rates. The evolution from generic emails to personalized, strategic communication reflects the broader shift in sales tactics – one that prioritizes quality over quantity and aims to create a win-win situation for both the sender and the recipient.

Why Cold Email STILL Works

Despite its challenges, cold emailing remains a viable and effective strategy for reaching potential customers. The average open rate for cold emails stands at 23.9%, but this can be significantly improved with the right techniques. Personalized email subject lines, for instance, can boost open rates by up to 50%, and subject lines with emojis see an 8% higher open rate on average. These small adjustments can make a substantial difference in capturing the recipient’s attention.

When it comes to response rates, cold emails have an average of 8.5%, meaning only about 8 out of 100 cold emails receive a reply. However, personalized cold emails can increase response rates by 30.5%, and emails with longer subject lines have a 24.6% higher average response rate. This highlights the importance of personalization and thoughtful crafting of email content. And this… includes a closing line to each cold e-mail you send.

Comparison of Good Cold Email Sign Off vs Bad Cold Email Sign Off

Make your closing sentence more than good. Close your email professionally with our examples:


✅ Good Cold Email Sign Off: Provides a clear call to action, making next steps obvious (e.g., “Can we schedule a call?”)
❌ Bad Cold Email Sign Off: Leaves the recipient uncertain about the next steps (e.g., “Let me know what you think.”)

Professional Tone

✅ Good Cold Email Sign Off: Maintains professionalism and respect, suitable for business communication
❌ Bad Cold Email Sign Off: Too casual or informal, potentially undermining credibility (e.g., “Cheers!”)


✅ Good Cold Email Sign Off: Tailors the sign off to the recipient’s business or specific needs (e.g., “Looking forward to helping [Company Name].”)
❌ Bad Cold Email Sign Off: Generic and impersonal, failing to resonate with the recipient (e.g., “Best wishes.”)

Follow-Up Information

✅ Good Cold Email Sign Off: Includes follow-up details and contact information (e.g., “I’ll follow up next week.”)
❌ Bad Cold Email Sign Off: Lacks follow-up details, leaving the recipient wondering if they need to respond immediately


✅ Good Cold Email Sign Off: Encourages interaction and further communication (e.g., “Please use my calendar link to book a time.”)
❌ Bad Cold Email Sign Off: Does not engage the recipient or prompt a response (e.g., “Let me know if interested.”)

A good cold email sign off not only maintains professionalism but also clearly outlines the next steps, personalizes the message, and encourages further engagement. In contrast, bad cold email sign offs are often vague, impersonal, and lack the necessary details to prompt a response.

Our guide below will help you craft a great cold email conclusion.

How to end a cold email – best practices with real examples

#1 Be Clear and Concise

One of the most effective ways to ensure your cold emails get a positive response is to end them with a clear and concise closing line. After presenting your product or service, it’s crucial to make your email closing line to the point and actionable. Avoid being overly verbose; instead, focus on providing the recipient with a straightforward path to follow.

Key Elements of an Effective Closing Line:

  • Clear Call to Action (CTA): Clearly state what you want the recipient to do next, whether it’s scheduling a call, signing up for a demo, or responding with their availability.
  • Personalization: Tailor your closing to address the specific pain point of the recipient’s business, making it more relevant and engaging.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain professionalism to leave a positive impression and show respect for the recipient’s time.
  • Follow-up Information: Provide your contact details and a mention of when you plan to follow up if you don’t hear back.
  • Sign Off: Use a sign off that aligns with the overall tone of your email, reinforcing your message.

Examples of Concise Cold Email Endings:

  • “I’d love to show you how [Your Product] can solve [Prospect’s Pain Point]. Could we schedule a quick call next week? Looking forward to your response.”
  • “Thank you for considering [Your Service]. Please let me know if you’d be available for a brief demo on Thursday or Friday.”
  • “I hope this sounds interesting! Can we set up a time to discuss how we can help [Recipient’s Company] achieve its goals?”
  • “I’ll follow up next week to see if you have any questions. In the meantime, feel free to reach out at [Your Contact Info].”
  • “Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Could you let me know a convenient time for a call? Best regards, [Your Name]”

If you decide to incorporate these best practices into your cold email campaigns, you can create business emails that not only capture the recipient’s attention but also encourage further communication, paving the way for successful email outreach and higher response rates.

#2 Offer Value Before Signing Off

One of the powerful sales strategies to enhance the effectiveness of your cold email is to offer valuable insights or resources before your closing lines. This approach helps to establish your credibility and provides an incentive for the recipient to engage with your sales email.

Key Elements of Offering Value:

  • Relevant Content: Share a relevant article, case study, or whitepaper that addresses a specific pain point related to the prospect’s business.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a tone that is both informative and respectful, reinforcing your expertise without sounding pushy.
  • Clear Closing Sentence: Make sure your closing sentence ties back to the value you’ve provided, seamlessly leading into your call to action.
  • Engaging Sign Off: Use a sign off that matches the tone of the entire message, ensuring a professional email finish.
  • Preparation for Follow-Up: Mention that you’ll be following up, which keeps the door open for future interactions.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with Value:

  • “I’ve attached a case study that illustrates how [Your Product] improved efficiency for a company similar to yours. Could we discuss how it might benefit [Prospect’s Business]?”
  • “Here’s an article on [Topic] that I think you’ll find useful. Would you be open to a brief call to explore this further?”
  • “I’ve included a link to our recent webinar on [Subject]. Let me know if you’d like to set up a time for a sales demo.”
  • “Please find attached a whitepaper on [Relevant Topic]. I’d love to hear your thoughts and discuss how it applies to [Prospect’s Business].”
  • “I thought you might find this industry report interesting. When would be a good time to chat about how we can help you navigate these insights?”

Offering value before your email closings, you not only provide immediate benefits to the recipient but also position yourself as a knowledgeable and helpful contact. Such a strategy can enhance the effectiveness of your cold outreach, leading to more meaningful future interactions and a smoother journey through the sales funnel.

#3 End with a Strong CTA

A strong Call to Action (CTA) can be the difference between your cold email being ignored or generating a response. Ensure your closing line provides a clear and compelling next step that the recipient can easily follow.

Key Elements of a Strong CTA:

  • Specific and Direct: Clearly state what you want the recipient to do next, avoiding vague or general requests.
  • Aligned with the Subject Line: Make sure your CTA ties back to the promise or intrigue created in your subject line and opening line.
  • Actionable: Provide an action that is easy for the recipient to take, such as scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or replying to your email.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain professionalism to ensure your email is taken seriously.
  • Follow-Up Mention: Indicate that you will follow up if you don’t receive a response, keeping the conversation open.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with Strong CTAs:

  • “Can we schedule a 15-minute call next week to discuss how [Your Product] can benefit [Recipient’s Company]? Please let me know your availability.”
  • “I’d love to give you a quick demo of [Your Service]. Are you free this Thursday or Friday? Looking forward to your response.”
  • “Could you reply with a convenient time for a brief discussion? I believe [Your Solution] could be a great fit for [Prospect’s Business].”
  • “Please let me know if you’re available for a call next week. I can provide more details on how we can address [Specific Pain Point].”
  • “I’d appreciate the opportunity to discuss this further. Could you confirm if you’re available for a call tomorrow?”

With a strong CTA, you guide the recipient towards the next step in the sales process, making it easier for them to take action. This approach helps you email professionally and increases the likelihood of follow-up emails being successful, ensuring your business email leaves a lasting impression.

#4 Ask a Question

Ending your cold email with a question is an excellent way to engage your recipient and encourage a response. Questions create a sense of curiosity and invite the recipient to participate in a dialogue, making your email more interactive.

Key Elements of Asking a Question:

  • Relevance: Ensure the question is relevant to the recipient’s business and the content of your email.
  • Open-Ended: Use open-ended questions that require more than a simple yes or no answer, fostering a more meaningful conversation.
  • Connection to Sales Pitch: Tie your question back to your product or service, aligning it with your sales pitch.
  • Engaging Tone: Maintain an engaging and professional tone to encourage a positive response.
  • Next Steps: Use the question to naturally lead into your proposed next steps, making it easier for the recipient to see the value in continuing the conversation.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with Questions:

  • “How are you currently handling [Specific Pain Point]? I’d love to share how [Your Product] can help.”
  • “What challenges are you facing with [Relevant Topic]? Can we discuss how our solution might assist?”
  • “Would you be interested in learning how [Your Service] can improve your [Specific Metric]? Let’s schedule a call to explore this further.”
  • “Have you considered [Specific Solution] for your [Relevant Issue]? I’d be happy to provide more details.”
  • “What’s your biggest priority for [Prospect’s Business] this quarter? I believe we have some strategies that could help.”

Ending your cold email with a question, you invite the recipient to engage with you, making it more likely they will respond. This tactic, combined with a catchy subject line and professional email body, can significantly enhance your cold outreach efforts and lead to more productive business interactions.

#5 Add a Calendar Link

Want to take the conversation to the next level fairly… hassle-free? Well. Including a calendar link in your cold email is a highly effective way to facilitate scheduling and streamline the process for your email recipient. This approach provides a clear call to action and reduces the back-and-forth often associated with setting up meetings.

Key Elements of Adding a Calendar Link:

  • Ease of Use: Ensure the calendar link is easy for the recipient to use, leading directly to available time slots.
  • Clear Call to Action: Explicitly state that the recipient can book a time that works best for them.
  • Professional Email Signature: Incorporate the calendar link into your email signature for a seamless and professional presentation.
  • To the Point: Keep the closing line concise and direct, emphasizing the convenience of the calendar link.
  • Follow-Up Mention: Indicate that you’ll follow up if no appointment is booked, showing your commitment to the conversation.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with Calendar Links:

  • “I’d love to discuss how [Your Product] can address [Specific Pain Point]. Please book a time that suits you best using my calendar link: [Calendar Link].”
  • “Can we schedule a quick call next week to explore this further? Choose a convenient time here: [Calendar Link]. Looking forward to your response.”
  • “To make scheduling easier, here’s my calendar link: [Calendar Link]. Please pick a time that works for you, and we can dive into how we can help [Prospect’s Business].”
  • “Interested in learning more? Let’s set up a call at your convenience. Book a time directly through my calendar: [Calendar Link].”
  • “Please use this link to book a time that fits your schedule: [Calendar Link]. I look forward to discussing how we can solve [Pain Point] together.”

With a calendar link to your cold email, you make it simple for the recipient to take the next step, enhancing your email closing line with a clear call to action. This improves the efficiency of your email campaign and leaves a professional impression, making follow-ups and future interactions more likely to succeed.

#6 Compliment the Recipient

Ending your cold email with a genuine compliment can help build rapport and create a positive impression. This approach shows that you have done your research and appreciate the recipient’s work, making your email more personalized and engaging.

Key Elements of Complimenting the Recipient:

  • Sincerity: Ensure your compliment is genuine and specific to the recipient’s job title or recent achievements.
  • Relevance: Make sure the compliment is relevant to the context of your email, aligning with your overall message.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain professionalism to keep the email sign off respectful and appropriate.
  • Smooth Transition: Integrate the compliment seamlessly into your closing remarks to avoid sounding forced.
  • Personalization: Tailor the compliment to reflect your understanding of the recipient’s work or industry.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with Compliments:

  • “I’ve been impressed by the innovative work you’ve been doing at [Recipient’s Company]. I’d love to discuss how our solutions could support your marketing efforts. Best regards, [Your Name].”
  • “Your recent article on [Topic] was insightful and resonated with our approach at [Your Company]. Could we set up a time to chat? Sincerely, [Your Name].”
  • “I admire the growth [Recipient’s Company] has achieved under your leadership. Let’s explore how we can contribute to your success. Best, [Your Name].”
  • “Your team’s commitment to [Specific Achievement] is truly inspiring. I’d appreciate the opportunity to discuss how we can collaborate. Looking forward to your response, [Your Name].”
  • “The recent project you led on [Specific Project] was impressive. I believe we have some complementary strategies to discuss. Warm regards, [Your Name].”

Through sharing a sincere compliment, you show respect and admiration for the recipient’s work, making your cold contact more memorable and engaging. With such an approach, you can elevate your email closing lines and increase the likelihood of a positive response, setting the stage for fruitful follow-ups and professional interactions.

#7 Highlight the Prospect’s Pain Point

Addressing the specific pain point of the recipient’s company in your closing line can significantly increase the chances of a positive response. This approach shows that you understand their challenges and have a tailored solution ready for them.

Key Elements of Highlighting the Prospect’s Pain Point:

  • Specificity: Be precise about the pain point you are addressing to show a deep understanding of the recipient’s business.
  • Solution-Oriented: Link the pain point to the solution your product or service provides.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a professional email tone to ensure your message is taken seriously.
  • Clear Call to Action: Encourage further interaction with a clear call to action that addresses the pain point directly.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrate this approach naturally into your email body, making your email closing lines impactful.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings Highlighting Pain Points:

  • “I understand that [Recipient’s Company] is facing [Specific Pain Point]. Our [Product/Service] can help resolve this issue effectively. Can we schedule a call next week? Here’s my calendar link: [Calendar Link].”
  • “Dealing with [Specific Pain Point] can be challenging. Our team has successfully helped businesses like yours overcome this. Let’s discuss how we can assist [Prospect’s Business]. Looking forward to your response.”
  • “I noticed that [Recipient’s Company] might be struggling with [Specific Pain Point]. Our solution is designed specifically to address this. Could we set up a time to talk? Best regards, [Your Name].”
  • “Given the [Specific Pain Point] at [Prospect’s Business], I believe our [Product/Service] could be a game-changer for you. Please use this calendar link to book a convenient time: [Calendar Link].”
  • “Our experience with clients facing [Specific Pain Point] like [Recipient’s Company] shows significant improvements. I’d love to share more details. When would be a good time for a call?”

Highlighting the prospect’s pain point in your cold email template, you demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs and position your product or service as the ideal solution. This approach makes your email closing lines more compelling and increases the likelihood of a positive response, paving the way for future interactions with now cold contacts.

#8 Ask for an Intro

If you realize you’ve reached the wrong person within a company, politely asking for an introduction to the right contact can keep the conversation moving forward. This approach is courteous and shows your determination to find the appropriate person for your message.

Key Elements of Asking for an Intro:

  • Politeness: Be respectful and courteous in your request to avoid offending the recipient.
  • Acknowledgment: Recognize that they might not be the right person to help, showing your understanding and flexibility.
  • Clear Request: Clearly state who you are trying to reach or the type of contact you need.
  • Professional Tone: Maintain professionalism throughout to ensure a positive impression.
  • Easy Next Steps: Make it simple for the recipient to provide the introduction.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings Asking for an Intro:

  • “I understand you might not be the right person to discuss [Specific Topic]. Could you please introduce me to the appropriate contact at [Recipient’s Company]? Thank you, [Your Name].”
  • If you’re not the person handling this, could you kindly point me in the right direction or forward this email to the relevant colleague? I appreciate your help!”
  • “Could you let me know who is responsible for [Specific Area] at [Recipient’s Company]? I’d be grateful for an introduction. Best regards, [Your Name].”
  • “I realize this might not fall under your purview. Could you direct me to the correct person who handles [Specific Pain Point]? Thank you in advance!”
  • “If you’re not the right person to talk to, could you please introduce me to someone who is in charge of [Relevant Department]? Looking forward to your guidance. Sincerely, [Your Name].”

If you decide to ask for an intro if you’ve reached the wrong person, you show respect for the recipient’s time while ensuring your message reaches the right individual. It can lead to more effective cold email campaigns and improve your chances of a positive response, making future interactions more fruitful and maintaining a professional email etiquette.

#9 Make Good Use of the P.S. Section

The P.S. (postscript) section is a powerful tool in a cold email that often gets overlooked. Adding a P.S. at the end of your email can capture the recipient’s attention and reinforce your message in a compelling way.

Key Elements of Using the P.S. Section Effectively:

  • Highlight Key Information: Use the P.S. section to emphasize an important point or a benefit of your product or service.
  • Include a Call to Action: Reinforce your call to action with a direct and clear request.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Use the P.S. to add a personal note or mention something specific about the recipient’s business.
  • Create Urgency: If applicable, mention a limited-time offer or a sense of urgency.
  • Professional Tone: Keep the tone professional to maintain the overall professionalism of your email.

Examples of Effective Cold Email Endings with a P.S. Section:

  • “P.S. I noticed that [Recipient’s Company] has recently expanded. Our [Product/Service] could be a great fit for your growing needs. Can we schedule a quick call to discuss?”
  • “P.S. If you’re not the right person to discuss this, could you please introduce me to someone who handles [Specific Area]?”
  • “P.S. We have a special offer for new clients this month. Let’s set up a time to talk and see how we can help [Prospect’s Business].”
  • “P.S. I recently read about [Recipient’s Achievement]. Congratulations! I believe our [Product/Service] can add even more value.”
  • “P.S. Don’t miss our upcoming webinar on [Relevant Topic]. It could provide valuable insights for [Recipient’s Company].”

With the P.S. section, you can effectively highlight key information, reinforce your call to action, and add a personal touch to your cold email. This strategy can enhance your email closing lines, capture the recipient’s attention, and increase the likelihood of a positive response.


Ending a cold email effectively can significantly increase your chances of getting a positive response and boosting lead generation. Whether you choose to be clear and concise, offer value, ask a question, add a calendar link, compliment the recipient, highlight their pain points, ask for an introduction, or make good use of the P.S. section, each strategy has its own merits.

By incorporating these best practices, you can create more engaging, professional, and effective cold emails that reaches people who are genuinely interested.

Remember, the key to success is to keep your email body professional, your closing lines clear and actionable, and to always tailor your message to the recipient’s specific needs and pain points. Now it’s your turn to apply these tips and start crafting compelling cold emails. Good luck!

FAQ on ending cold emails

Check out the answers.

How Can I Approach my Cold Email with Respect to a Prospect’s Time?

To respect your prospect’s time, keep the email concise and to the point. End with a clear next step, like scheduling a call or providing a free resource that addresses a specific challenge they may have. This shows you’re mindful of their busy schedule.

What’s the Best Way to Suggest a Specific Action in my Closing?

Suggesting a specific action works best when it’s framed as an easy choice. For example, you can say, “Feel free to book a time on my calendar,” or “Would you like to explore this further with a quick call?” Offering a clear next step makes it simple for them to respond.

Should I Include My Full Name and Company Name in the Closing Line?

Yes, including your full name and company name adds professionalism and credibility to your email. It reassures the prospect that you’re a real person from a legitimate business. For example, close with, “Looking forward to helping [Company Name], [Your Full Name].”

Is Mentioning a Free Resource a Good Closing Strategy?

Absolutely! Mentioning a free resource in your closing can add value and capture as much attention as possible. For instance, “I’ve attached a guide that might help with [prospect’s challenge]. Let me know if you’d like to discuss it further.” This provides immediate benefit and encourages engagement.