Cold email tool for recruitment agencies

Save hours every week on reaching candidates

  • Easily integrate your email & LinkedIn outreach
  • Write emails faster with AI email writing assistant
  • Add unlimited mailboxes & follow-ups for free
  • 7-day trial
  • Access to all features
  • No credit card required

"The Dux-Soup integration makes our email and LinkedIn communications with potential clients and candidates much easier. And the AI saves us hours every week on writing emails!"

Ashley Alfred, Founder & lead recruiter at Sage Recruiting

Book more interviews in less time with cold email

  • Multichannel outreach (through integrations)
  • Automated Inbox Rotation
  • Email warm-up via Mailivery
  • Free real-time email validation (valued at $2000)
  • AI email writing assistant
  • AI response sentiment
  • Folders to segment contacts
  • Manual tasks to store relevant notes
  • Sequence stops after a reply
  • Sequence stops after a meeting booked (via Calendly)

Save countless hours on candidate and new client outreach

MULTICHANNEL Run all channels from one place
  • Engage with prospects on LinkedIn and with emails
  • Add phone calls to speed up the recruiting process
  • Add up to 12 multichannel steps

"Woodpecker has been a game-changer for us and I don’t see us going to any new service. It’s like magic when a campaign goes out and we start seeing the replies flood into our inbox without having to lift a finger."

Ty Leisher & Eric Brodeur, Owners of Exit 44 Entertainment
DELIVERABILITY Keep your cold emails out of spam folders
  • Rotate mailboxes without worrying about daily provider limits
  • Warm up email accounts automatically
  • Avoid bounces with real-time email validation

“I've experimented with over 50 similar tools in search of the best solutions. Woodpecker is the best of its caliber. Its consistently high open and response rates make it the ideal choice for my agency."

Emilia Mosiewicz, Founder of 7 Labs
SMART AUTOMATION You'll book meetings on autopilot
  • Your campaigns stop automatically after a reply or a meeting booked via Calendly
  • See positive replies pulled out by the AI response sentiment checker
  • Create personalized campaign paths based on your contacts' behavior

"We've saved countless hours and have been able to reach out to more potential clients than ever. It's hard to overstate how much more efficient this has made our company!"

Mike Post, Co-founder of MooseCat Recording

And you won't have to pay for these...

  • Unlimited email address validation for free
  • All follow-up emails
    for free
  • Unlimited team members for free
  • Unlimited email accounts for free
  • How hard is it to start? Count to 3:

    • Connect your inbox
    • Create a campaign
    • Import prospects & send