Cold email tool for business owners

Turn cold emails into a source of new customers

  • Write better cold emails with AI email writer
  • Warm up accounts & validate lists in real time
  • Add unlimited mailboxes & follow-ups for free
  • 7-day trial
  • Access to all features
  • No credit card required

"We couldn't have built ProfitWell without Woodpecker."

Patrick Campbell, Founder & CEO of ProfitWell

Win new customers with cold emails

  • AI email writing assistant
  • Custom fields for personalization
  • Provider limit protection
  • Automated Inbox Rotation
  • Integrations with Calendly, CRMs, Slack, and many more
  • Email warm-up (via Mailivery)
  • Free real-time email validation (valued at $2000)
  • Sequence stops after a reply or a meeting booked
  • A/B tests
  • Condition-based campaigns

You don't need a big team to grow revenue with cold email

EASY TO USE Set up your first campaign in minutes
  • Write better cold emails with AI email writer
  • See replies right in your inbox
  • Measure your success with detailed stats

"When we first started using Woodpecker, we had no problems understanding how it works, how to create a campaign, how to add custom snippets and prospects.”

Tom Potanski, CEO & founder of DevsData LLC
AUTOMATION Save hours everyday
  • Automate cold email campaigns and get more time to work on your business
  • Follow-ups stop after you get a reply or meeting booked (via Calendly)
  • Create systems by integrating Woodpecker with other tools you're using

"We've saved countless hours and have been able to reach out to more potential clients than ever. It's hard to overstate how much more efficient this has made our company!"

Mike Post, Co-founder of MooseCat Recording
DELIVERABILITY Make sure your emails reach prospects
  • Avoid bounces with real-time email address validation
  • Make sure your email account doesn't get blocked with provider limit protection
  • Keep a good sender reputation with email warm-up and Inbox Rotation

We sent the same email on Woodpecker and a competitor and the response rate was 20-30% higher on Woodpecker due to their deliverability. I am in shock and awe!

Ashley Alfred, Founder of Sage Recruiting

And you won't have to pay for these...

  • Unlimited email address validation for free
  • All follow-up emails
    for free
  • Unlimited team members for free
  • Unlimited email accounts for free
  • How hard is it to start? Count to 3:

    • Connect your inbox
    • Create a campaign
    • Import prospects & send