Cold email marketing tool

Cold marketing emails that land in the inbox

  • Warm up email accounts & validate lists in real time
  • Send cold emails & follow-ups automatically 1-by-1
  • Add unlimited mailboxes & follow-ups for free
  • 7-day trial
  • Access to all features
  • No credit card required

"What makes Woodpecker special is that no other product on the market allows you to scale one to one conversations in such a personalized way."

Patrick Campbell, Founder & CEO of ProfitWell

Your cold marketing emails won't go to spam

  • Sending algorithm mimics human-like behavior
  • Automated email warm-up (via Mailivery)
  • Free email validation (valued at $2000)
  • AI response sentiment checker
  • AI email writing assistant
  • Automated Inbox Rotation
  • A/B testing (up to 5 versions)
  • Two follow-up paths based on contact's behavior
  • Custom snippets for personalization
  • Send in your contact's timezone

Automated cold emails that look like you wrote & sent them 1-by-1

DELIVERABILITY Keep your cold emails out of spam & offers
  • Scale your campaigns without worrying about provider limits with Inbox Rotation
  • Warm up email accounts automatically
  • Avoid bounces with real-time email validation (at no extra cost)

"We sent the same email on Woodpecker and a competitor and the response rate was 20-30% higher on Woodpecker due to their deliverability. I am in shock and awe!"

Ashley Alfred, Founder of Sage Recruiting
PERSONALIZATION Make your cold emails look personal
  • Emails go out automatically 1-by-1 at varying frequency, not in bulk
  • Set your emails to be sent in your contacts' timezones
  • Add two follow-up paths based on your contacts' behavior

"We want to make a personable impression, and Woodpecker makes it easy to make sure we aren’t coming across as spam or impersonal."

Mike Post, Co-founder of MooseCat Recording
SMART AUTOMATION Woodpecker will do it for you
  • Send follow-up emails until you get a reply - then the sequence stops automatically
  • See positive replies pulled out by the AI response sentiment checker
  • Save time on writing your cold marketing emails with AI email writer

“Woodpecker has been a game changer for us. It helps by sending out the follow-ups for us so we have more time to develop new projects and reach out to more business partners."

Ty Leisher & Eric Brodeur, Owners of Exit 44 Entertainment

And you won't have to pay for these...

  • Unlimited email address validation for free
  • All follow-up emails
    for free
  • Unlimited team members for free
  • Unlimited email accounts for free
  • How hard is it to start? Count to 3:

    • Connect your inbox
    • Create a campaign
    • Import contacts & send