
Choose a template to start building your email signature

Select your
signature template

To: <jdoe@yourcompany.com> Jane from Your Company

Subject: New company email signatures

Hi {{ FIRST_NAME }},

Using a complete, detailed email signature with a photo and company logo makes you look like a pro! Wouldn't you rather do business with someone who takes care of the little details like that?


Professional email signatures for companies

If your colleague generated their email signature with us, have them send you the HTML code. Change the data and create your own signature to keep them concise across the company.

Signature example 1

Email signature is your digital business card

We give you a tool to make it look professional - and deliverability-friendly.

Plain text signature

Email signature templates that meet your needs

Use the simplest template for email warm-up or regaining good email deliverability, or a more advanced one if you'd like to include more info.

How to make an email signature?

Pick a template and fill it with your personal &amp; professional details.

Style it the way you like it. Choose the font &amp; color, and what the icons should look like.

Get a professional email signature that makes you look good &amp; won't harm your email deliverability.

Follow our step-by-steps to add your brand new email signature to Woodpecker, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo! or Apple Mail.

Got your email signature? Great. Now it's time to make your email signatures look professional and concise across the whole company. Send the HTML code you've downloaded to your colleagues, so they can easily modify it with their data in our generator.

Why use our email signature generator?

Deliverability aware


A messy email signature can send your emails to spam. With our generator, you can create email signatures that work well for deliverability.



Pick the template, fonts & colors you like best to build an email signature. Make it your own.



Do you like freebies? You don't have to pay a single dime nor penny for your new professional email signature.