Problem Agitation Solution email 1

Another formulaic approach, the PAS [Problem (sometimes Pain) – Agitation – Solution] format frames your message in three important parts. It's all about a pain point, how much that pain point really hurts and the solution that brings relief:Problem. Every business has a problem or a pain point that interrupts their operations, makes them spend too much, lowers productivity, etc. Agitation. The problem hurts so much because it results in A, B and C. How can you get out of this mess? Solution. Yes, there IS a way out! All you have to do is click here to find out more! Oh, sweet relief…

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Subject line tip

Avoid spammy language: Steer clear of all caps, excessive punctuation, and words that may trigger spam filters, like “free,” “limited time offer,” etc.

Team building that really works!
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Personalization tip

Research your recipient: Before sending the email, take the time to research the recipient’s background, interests, and professional accomplishments. Use this information to tailor your message accordingly.

Hi {{FIRST_NAME}}, When you say “Team integration activity”, are your employees happy or do they suddenly start remembering that they all have a dentist appointment on that day?
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Problem tip

Too many employees see these events as a waste of time, boring or worse. This is unfortunate because studies repeatedly show that teams that are well integrated are more productive, have lower turnover, fewer absences and overall better results. So how are you dealing with less productivity, higher turnover, more absences and inferior results?
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Value tip

At InteGREATion, we're experts at planning and hosting the perfect event for your team. We've organized more than 1,000 such corporate team-building exercises and our reviews speak for themselves.
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CTA tip

Be respectful and polite: Avoid using aggressive or pushy language in your CTA. Be respectful of the recipient’s time and decision-making process.

Would you be opposed to a short chat about exactly what we can offer?
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Signature tip

Add your title and company: Mention your job title and the company you represent to provide credibility and context.

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    Subject line tip

    Avoid spammy language: Steer clear of all caps, excessive punctuation, and words that may trigger spam filters, like “free,” “limited time offer,” etc.

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    Personalization tip

    Research your recipient: Before sending the email, take the time to research the recipient’s background, interests, and professional accomplishments. Use this information to tailor your message accordingly.

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    CTA tip

    Be respectful and polite: Avoid using aggressive or pushy language in your CTA. Be respectful of the recipient’s time and decision-making process.

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    Signature tip

    Add your title and company: Mention your job title and the company you represent to provide credibility and context.

Follow-up templates

Learn how to use cold email templates

How to use these cold email templates

Browse templates from the categories on the left, choose one you like, and customize it in the editor. And that’s it! Copy the text to your clipboard or send it via email.

What industries do the templates cover?

We have cold email templates for sales, marketing, recruitment, real estate, and networking. We also included templates for follow-ups.

Can I customize the templates?

Of course – and you should! You can customize them directly on the website. Just click on the section you want to change and enter your text. Click "Confirm" to save your changes. Your changes will remain saved as long as you don't refresh the page.

Can you guarantee these templates will work?

We prepared our templates based on years of experience we have in cold outreach, and we've added tips to sections to shed more light on the best practices for cold emails. We can't guarantee the success of your campaign, though, as email copy is only one piece of the puzzle. It also depends on other factors like the quality of your prospect base, your technical settings, and many more.