How does it work?
How to set it up?
How does it work?
By selecting the option ‘Use prospect’s timezone if available’ while creating a campaign, you let Woodpecker schedule your emails in your prospects’ timezones.
In this case, if available means that you’ve already selected the right timezone for your prospect. You can do that manually, as explained in Step 1, or use our automatic detection.

Let’s say that your Delivery time is set to 9:00 AM-10:00 AM, (GMT+2:00 Europe/Berlin), and some of your prospects come, for example, from Portugal (GMT+1:00 Europe/Lisbon), others from Hongkong (GMT+08:00) and there are some with no timezone available.

Your campaign will be sent:
from 9 AM to 10 AM (GMT+1:00) to prospects from Portugal (which is 8 AM-9 AM, GMT+2:00 Europe/Berlin)
from 9 AM to 10 AM (GMT+08:00) to prospects from Hongkong (which is 3 AM-4 AM, GMT+2:00 Europe/Berlin)
and from 9 AM to 10 AM, (GMT+2:00 Europe/Berlin) to everyone else.
What happens if there’s no timezone available for some of the prospects?
Woodpecker will skip this step and send your emails according to the timezone you’ve chosen for this campaign.
How to set it up?
Step 1
Detect your prospects’ timezones automatically, or select the timezone manually:
Open the main Prospects list.
Go to the column ‘TIMEZONE‘ by dragging the cursor to the right.
Click Select timezone… and scroll through the list to choose the right timezone for your prospect.

Step 2
Open your campaign and edit it.
Click on the gear icon in the top right corner.
Set the Delivery Time and timezone from the list.
Checkmark the box ‘Use prospect’s timezone if available’.
It’s all set. Run the campaign.

Q.: I selected the timezone for my prospects but didn’t mean to. How can I go back?
Click the previously selected timezone.
Choose Leave empty from the list. Done! Tip: you’ll always find it on the top!

Q.: I noticed that there’s an option to detect the timezone. How does it work?
Here’s our instruction, please have a look!
Q.: I can’t find the ‘TIMEZONE’ column. What am I doing wrong?
Don’t worry! Most probably this column is not shown in the table.
Click on the Show/hide columns icon in the top right corner of the table to open the drop-down menu.
Scroll down until you find ‘timezone’.
Check-mark the ‘timezone’ box.