How it works
Tagging prospects
Untagging prospects
How it works

Tagging prospects helps in organizing your email flow. Easily mark the contacts with a tag to later decide which email should be sent to which group. You can tag your prospects already in the CSV or Excel file.
First, add a column ‘Tags’ in the prospects list that you want to import to Woodpecker. Next, match the fields with the Woodpecker field when importing your contacts.
Segment prospects and create groups of contacts, for example, for A/B Testing purposes.
Keep track of communication with people. You can add a tag, for example, “Don’t contact again” or “They like us. Let’s get in touch!”
Create a list of contacts split into group A and group B so that you can keep track of who is receiving what emails.
Manage your prospects in the Prospects tab using filters and search your contacts by tags.
If you have a shared Prospects database, you can easily manage your client’s campaigns by creating different prospect groups.
Filtering prospects
Use existing filters to narrow down your search. Filter your prospects by Status, Campaign, Contacted, Imported, or Tags.
Selecting more prospects
Use the Show rows option to display more prospects per page. You can also navigate to another page by clicking the icons <>.
Tagging prospects
Checkmark contacts you want to tag.
Click the ‘Tags‘ icon.
Add a tag by typing in the name or select an already existing tag from the drop-down menu.
Your tag will be added to your tag collection.
Click ‘save & apply’ to finish the process of tagging selected prospects.
Your prospects have been successfully tagged.

Untagging prospects
Checkmark your prospects.
Click the ‘Tags‘ icon.
Deselect the tag.
Click ‘save & apply‘ to finish removing
Your prospects have been successfully untagged.

Q: If I want to upload my prospects with a tags column and add multiple tags per prospects, how do I separate each tag? Would this work for example if I wanted 3 tags?
Yes, you can add several tags per prospect. Mind you, when adding only one tag to a prospect, the # symbol (hash) is being added automatically in Woodpecker. However, if you want to add more tags, you need to use # to separate them.
Q: Can I use several tags for one prospect?
Yes, to do so, separate each tag with the hash ( #). In Woodpecker, you’ll see all of them included in column TAGS in the Prospects database. Here’s the example:
Q: Can I change a tag’s name?
Changing the name of the tag isn’t possible. However, you can always add a new tag for your prospect.
Q: Can I remove the tag from a prospect?
To remove the tag for a prospect, simply delete it. If you’d like to untag multiple prospects at once, use the bulk option.
Q: I added a wrong tag to all prospects, how can I remove this tag?
- Go to the Prospects tab.
- Filter your prospects by Tags.
- Select prospects that you want to untag.
- Click the ‘Add tags in bulk‘ icon.
- Click the icon and deselect the tag.
- Click ‘save & apply‘.
Q: Can I update tags on existing prospects?
Yes, you can. Upload your CSV or Excel file to Woodpecker using the option “Update the existing contact with changed or new fields”. Read more »
Q: How can I search for prospects with a specific tag?
Go to the Prospects tab and filter your prospects by Tags. Type in the tag you’re searching for or scroll the list.
You can select multiple tags at once, for example, #TAG, #TEST.
Q: How many tags can I add?
Quite a lot. Actually, you can add an unlimited number of tags to Woodpecker. Enjoy!