There are 2 ways in which you can accomplish this task: either by changing the status of multiple prospects at once in bulk or by re-importing prospects in a CSV or Excel file.
Blacklisting prospects in bulk
Re-importing prospects in a CSV or Excel file
I. Blacklisting prospects in bulk
BLACKLISTED is a global status. That means that changing the prospect’s status to BLACKLISTED at any place in Woodpecker will change it everywhere (every campaign and main prospect list). Assigning this status means that you do not want this prospect to be contacted in any existing or future campaign. Read more about statuses » and how to change statuses in bulk »
Edit your campaign and go to ‘Prospects’.
Checkmark contacts you want to bulk change.
Click the ‘Change status’ icon.
Select ‘BLACKLISTED’ from the list and click ‘save’.

Prospects database
Open the main Prospects tab.
Checkmark some contact.
Click the ‘Change status in bulk’ icon.
Select ‘BLACKLISTED’ from the list and click ‘save‘.

II. Re-importing prospects in a CSV or Excel file
1. Create a CSV or Excel file containing two columns:
A. Email – with the email addresses you want to block,
B. Status – with the word BLACKLISTED in each row.

Make sure that the status is written in uppercase.
2. When the file is ready, open the Prospects menu.
3. Next, click ‘Add prospects’ on the right, and select ‘Import’.
When importing the file to Woodpecker, make sure to select ‘Update the existing contact with changed or new fields’ (otherwise this will have no effect!).

4. Match the columns from the CSV or Excel file with those in Woodpecker.
If you created column headers in the first row, tick the ‘Ignore column headings when importing’ option.

If you wish to block entire domains instead, we have a different solution for that.