Agency: White Label add-on

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White Label add-on is part of an Agency add-on, click here to learn how to get it on Marketplace »

With the White Label add-on, you can change the appearance of the app for your Guest viewers so it looks like the app of your own company. This option is available only to Agency users and costs $300 per month in the beta version (and to be exact, for unlimited invited Guests).

To properly configure the White Label add-on, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your subdomain.

  2. Set up the notification email.

  3. Change the style of the app.

  4. Invite guest viewers.

First setup

After purchasing the add-on and before any change is possible, you’ll need to set up a custom subdomain in your hosting provider’s DNS settings. After completing this step, it might take a while before it’s synchronized with Woodpecker, so don’t worry if you can’t configure everything right away.

Head to the “White Label” tab, located in the left-hand menu. Click on the “Domain configuration” subtab to see the tutorial on adding a custom domain in the DNS settings. The whole instruction is ready to be copied and forwarded to your IT department/administrator, in case the owner of the account is not authorized to do this.


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Click on the “Set up domain” button to start the process of setting up your custom domain. Once it’s entered in the field, send the request so we can configure it on our side.

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Here’s a short video that can help you understand how to set up the records:


Once that is done, in the “Support email & website”, type in the email address of your support team and your company’s website by clicking on the “Edit” icon

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After that, the notification email must be set up, so there is no trace of Woodpecker when you invite guests to your Agency. Head to the “Notification emails” tab on the left to change the content of an Invitation email. Make sure to change the email address from which the email is being sent and the content of the email as well, so there are no Woodpecker signs in it.


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Appearance settings

Under the “Logo & favicon” subtab, you’ll find the option to add the logo of your company in three sizes, all of which will be adjusted by our system to the right dimensions. You can either choose the file from a computer or simply drag and drop it in the window.

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In the “Styles” subtab, you’ll be able to choose colors of the whole interface: a login page, primary and filters colors, and the left menu. Simply click on the color and choose it from the grid or input the Hex Color Code. Once everything is set up, don’t forget to save your changes by clicking on the “Save” button. If you want to go back to the previous (saved) color configuration, click on the “Undo changes” button. There’s no option to reset to the default colors of the interface.

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To see the results of your configuration, you can invite yourself as a Guest by using an email address other than the one you use to log into Woodpecker.

Inviting guests

Only if the custom domain and notification email is set up, will you be able to invite guests to your Client account. In the Agency panel, in the Clients tab view, choose the Client to which you want to invite guests. Click on the “Guests” subtab and then the “Invite new guest viewer” button on the right.

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In the fields, type the name of your guest and their email address. In this case, there’s no option for them to add and manage their accounts after being invited to the White Label app. Click on the “Send the invitation email” to finish the process.

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An invited guest will receive an email with the link to the interface with your logo and name, where they can set up their password and enter the app.

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The configured interface

Once a guest viewer logs into the panel, they will see a view limited to a list of campaigns in a given company and short information about them. Each campaign will be divided into a folder according to what is already in the main Woodpecker account so that your Guest viewer can browse the campaigns more easily. They will be able to check statistics for each campaign.


After hovering over the icon next to the progress bar, a pop-up window will appear with information on the type of steps in a given campaign.


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With Overview, your Guests can see the detailed statistics of the chosen campaign in a simplified form. To open the detailed view, click on the campaign name from the list.


There are also two new metrics available under the Reply scores name, which tell you how many prospects you have to reach to receive one reply or one positive reply.

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Q.: How can I purchase White Label?

If you have an Agency add-on, you will see a dedicated “White Label (beta)” add-on in Marketplace.


Q.: What am I paying for?

For the opportunity to put up an application for your clients, on your domain, with your branding in which your clients will see the results of the campaign. The number of sub-companies (Client accounts) and the number of invited Guests to WL are not limited in any way at this point. At the same time, one Guest can be invited to one sub-company (Client account).


The price of WL is $300 per month or $3000 per year.


Q.: How long does it take from the time I connect my domain to Agency and WL appears on that domain?

It can happen practically immediately, or maybe after several minutes. We recommend that before inviting your clients, you should go to your custom domain and check if you see Woodpecker Reports on it (or your logo, if it has been already configured).


Q.: Will my Guest viewers know I’m using Woodpecker app?

If everything was set up correctly, meaning: changing the logo to the one of your company, any signs of Woodpecker removed from the Invitation email, and the color of the app changed, they won’t know the White Label app is connected to Woodpecker.


Q.: What exactly happens after setting up every option in the White Label panel?

Every Agency will have its own login page created, where your invited Guests can log in.


Q.: Why do I see an additional slot with a price of $300 on the billing summary?

In our current billing, you pay for slots multiplied by the price of selected add-ons and limits. We didn’t want the WL price to multiply by the number of Email addresses, LinkedIn accounts or Mobile devices, and other add-ons. Therefore, we have a dedicated slot type that multiplies only by the White Label add-on.


Q.: Will my current Guests be automatically migrated to the new White Label app?

Unfortunately, no. In Woodpecker Agency, Guests users can connect mailboxes, and in the White Label app, they don’t have this option, so the existing Guests will stay on the old app. If you want to move them to your domain, you should remove them, configure a custom domain and invite them back as Guests. For ease of use, we have added a tag next to each Guest, informing whether it’s a White Label Guest or a regular. Moreover, once the WL add-on is bought, you can no longer invite new Guests to the old application.


Q.: I want to test the White Label app, but I don’t want to pay you $300. Is there an option to try it out for free?


You can set up a dedicated trial with an Agency product, see what the application looks like and, if you like the way it works, purchase the White Label add-on on your regular Agency account.


Q.: Can I use the White Label app on a different device?

The entire app is responsive, so you can use it on a mobile or tablet.