Send emails,
deliver results

Use powerful cold emails to get more replies
with highest deliverability available

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Screenshot of campaign dashboard in Woodpecker App
Animation of personalization feature in Woodpecker App

Quickly personalize messages and get replies that matter

Use custom fields to make your automated emails personal

Measure the success of your campaigns with automatic reports and insights

Control your outreach from one central place

Estimate campaign success with reports about effectiveness

Have your prospects' replies automatically analyzed and marked as interested or not with the AI interest level feature

Screenshot of campaign analytics in Woodpecker App


Warm up email accounts and protect your messages from ending up in spam.

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Screenshot of inbox in Woodpecker App

Have email addresses verified in real‑time

  • Avoid spam filters and reach prospect’s inbox every time. Adjust parameters to send as a person would - automatically like manually

Improve results with A/B testing feature

Screenshot for A/B testing feature in Woodpecker App

Integrate with all the tools you need

Sync-up your toolstack & make moving data in‑between apps as easy as it gets, or build a custom integration with API access

    Screenshot for available integrations with Woodpecker App
Patrick Campbell Nerdwise Ceo
No other product on the market allows you to scale one-to-one conversations with prospects and customers in such a personalized way.
Patrick Campbell, founder & CEO
Nick Cegielski 30 minuts to president club
What you need are better workflows and process, so you can increase your quota by 25%, carry more pipeline, and manage more deals.
Nick Cegielski,
30 minuts to president club

Try Woodpecker for free,
no credit card required