All you need to know about email signatures

A good email signature presents you well and doesn't mess up your deliverability. See how to create it and set it up.

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Free Email Signature Generator

Get a professional email signature that won’t send your emails to spam. Our signature won’t mess up your deliverability and will present you well at the same time.
There are many templates to choose from – simpler to build or regain good email deliverability, and more advanced if you’d like to include more information about yourself and your company.
So choose a template, pick your style, create your own email signature, and add it to your email client. You can also easily share it with your colleagues to keep your email signatures concise across the company.

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A Little Big Thing – What Do I Put in My Email Signature?

What do you think is the first thing you need to start sending emails? Good copy. Sure, but even before that. A list of prospects. Obviously, but before that. It may seem kind of confusing and not so obvious, as the thing you need first is actually at the end of your email. It’s a signature.
Why does an email signature make a difference?
The problem is, it shouldn’t be “a” signature. It should be the signature that makes your addressees contact you back, or check your social media accounts, or take any other action you want them to take. And that’s where the party starts.

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Best Signatures for Sales Emails: Let’s Analyze What Makes Them Effective

Email signature may seem like no big deal. After all, there are plenty of signature templates to choose from. You could just pick the one you like, customize it and paste into your email, right?
This could be enough in the case of a regular business email signature. A signature for a sales email, however, requires a bit more attention as it serves an extra purpose — it should increase your credibility in the eyes of your prospects and encourage them to reply to you.
We discussed email signatures on our blog a while back. In this post, we will explore the topic a bit further.

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How To Create an Email Signature using Woodpecker

An email signature can make or break your deliverability and response rates.
We made sure our generator helps you keep good deliverability. Which means it not only makes you look professional and presents your personal information in a grasping way, but it also helps you stay away from spam.
So, here’s how you can create a professional and deliverability-friendly email signature for free.

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How To Add an Email Signature in Yahoo Mail

You can’t go wrong with having a clean and professional email signature. In this video we’ll show you how to add your signature into Yahoo Mail.
We have already generated the signature with Woodpecker Email Signatures, but you can generate it wherever you want.
Once it is generated, log into your Yahoo Mail account and follow the instructions that we have prepared for you in this video tutorial.

Send professional looking emails thanks to Woodpecker Email Signatures

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How To Add an Email Signature in Woodpecker

Having a clean and professional email signature is a must when you’re doing outreach campaigns. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to add a signature into Woodpecker. We hope it serves you well!
We’ve created a signature with Woodpecker Email Signatures, our deliverability-friendly email signature generator. (Psst, you can also do so – for free.)
See how to add it in Woodpecker and get those cold email campaigns going!

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Why We Made Our Own Email Signature Generator

Here is the story why we decided to make our own signature generator.
We faced problems with developing consistent and professional looking email signatures within our company.
But, since we know just how important this little, yet powerful part of the email message is, we took matters into our own hands and made our very own generator, which you can now use for free.