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3 Ways to Get a Quality List of Sales Leads

Question: Is there a golden way for getting a quality contact list of sales leads? The answer, sad but true: No, there isn't. But there are at least three good enough ways worth trying. All of them have their pros and cons. Not all of them will match your particular process of generating sales leads. The key is to choose those that work best for you and your company. Here's a short analysis of the three ways to help you decide where to start from.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 6: LeadIQ

Prospect List Building Tools Review is back. This time, we checked out LeadIQ – a prospecting tool created in San Francisco. I interviewed Cole Fox, their Chief Sales Hacker, and found out how to build extended, up-to-date lists of prospects including more than just names and emails. Meet Cole and discover another smart plugin for outbound prospect list building.

Outbound Sales Metrics Demystified – Which Should You Track & Why?

How do you know if your campaigns work or not? The answer is of course: metrics. What outbound sales metrics should you track? What affects delivery rate and what can you do to boost it? What can you change in your email content and settings to get more opens, more (positive) replies, and more customers? In this article, we investigate the most important sales metrics for outbound campaigns.

Inbound vs Outbound Lead Generation: Which One Works Better?

Inbound vs Outbound – this seems like an endless dispute to me. On the one side, you've got people who claim outbound techniques are just wrong and unethical, whereas inbound is the only effective way to generate new valuable leads. On the other side, there are people who strongly advocate outbound, because that's what has really worked for them like no inbound tactic before. So whose advice are we supposed to follow? Which one works better in B2B: inbound vs outbound marketing?

How to Sync Woodpecker’s Prospect Base with Your CRM and Other Apps

This week, Woodpecker successfully finalized integration with PieSync. As our users, you've just got the ability to effortlessly sync your CRM contact base (or contacts you store in other cloud applications) with your prospect base in Woodpecker. In other words, you can now regain all the time spent on importing prospects and exporting leads back and forth between Woodpecker and other apps that you are using to manage your sales processes.

Account Based Sales Development 101: What Is It? How Does It Work?

If you're doing outbound sales, you've probably heard about the ABSD (Account Based Sales Development) trend lately. Is it new? Is it for everyone? Is it a revolutionary approach that will bring you $$$ as soon as your sales team adopts it? What is it, really? Check out the short introduction to ABSD in simple words.

Prospect List Building Tools Review Vol. 5: Anymail finder

And here we go with the fifth part of our Prospect List Building Tools series. Meet Pardeep Kullar and Joe d'Elia, who have created and are developing Anymail finder. Learn about the Chrome plugin that will help you build targeted email lists while visiting prospects websites. Discover a tool that will find email addresses in bulk for a list of names and companies you've prepared in a spreadsheet.