After-sale (sell) thank you email

This is a kind of follow-up but staying in touch with the seller after the sale is just part of being a good real estate agent. Also, word-of-mouth advertising is important so don't be afraid to ask for help!

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Subject line tip

Be honest and transparent: Avoid deceptive subject lines that don’t match the content of your email. Building trust is essential for a successful email campaign.

Thanks and congratulations! Please recommend me if you can
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Personalization tip

Personalization sets you apart from competitors who may still be using generic email outreach.

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Problem tip

Congratulations on selling your property at {{ADDRESS}}! I'm happy for you and glad that I could be part of such a big decision. I hope you are happy with the selling price.
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Value tip

It was a pleasure working with you. I know various pieces of paperwork will still show up from time to time and of course you are welcome to get in touch with me if you have any questions that I can help you with.
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CTA tip

Be clear and specific: Ensure your CTA is straightforward and leaves no room for confusion. Clearly state what action you want the recipient to take.

Also, please keep me in mind if you know anyone who is thinking about buying or selling a home in the area — personal recommendations are the best way to find new clients!
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Signature tip

Provide contact information: Include relevant contact details, such as your email address and phone number, making it easy for the recipient to reach you.

  • Tip thumbnail

    Subject line tip

    Be honest and transparent: Avoid deceptive subject lines that don’t match the content of your email. Building trust is essential for a successful email campaign.

  • Tip thumbnail

    Personalization tip

    Personalization sets you apart from competitors who may still be using generic email outreach.

  • Tip thumbnail

    CTA tip

    Be clear and specific: Ensure your CTA is straightforward and leaves no room for confusion. Clearly state what action you want the recipient to take.

  • Tip thumbnail

    Signature tip

    Provide contact information: Include relevant contact details, such as your email address and phone number, making it easy for the recipient to reach you.

Follow-up templates

Learn how to use cold email templates

How to use these cold email templates

Browse templates from the categories on the left, choose one you like, and customize it in the editor. And that’s it! Copy the text to your clipboard or send it via email.

What industries do the templates cover?

We have cold email templates for sales, marketing, recruitment, real estate, and networking. We also included templates for follow-ups.

Can I customize the templates?

Of course – and you should! You can customize them directly on the website. Just click on the section you want to change and enter your text. Click "Confirm" to save your changes. Your changes will remain saved as long as you don't refresh the page.

Can you guarantee these templates will work?

We prepared our templates based on years of experience we have in cold outreach, and we've added tips to sections to shed more light on the best practices for cold emails. We can't guarantee the success of your campaign, though, as email copy is only one piece of the puzzle. It also depends on other factors like the quality of your prospect base, your technical settings, and many more.