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Email verification

Email verification keeps your data clean, and your emails landing in inboxes.

The email validation process checks which of your email addresses are valid—and which ones aren’t. By dumping all the dead or false addresses, your statistics look better, and your email deliverability score becomes far healthier. It’s your deliverability score that ensures your campaigns end up in inboxes and not the junk folder, so verification is a must for all marketers.

How does email verification work?

Verification software is a highly efficient tool designed to keep your email lists healthy. It drags your data through a bunch of processes, removing the addresses that no longer exist, were typed wrong in the first place, or are temporary addresses used to access a free gift, promotion, or special discount.

Lower bounce rates

By getting rid of the email addresses that don’t exist anymore—and there are plenty that are deleted every year, for all kinds of reason—your campaigns are far less likely to send to those that will hard bounce your message.

With lower bounce rates, your engagement rates will rise; delivering the statistics that you need the email service providers to see.

Verification tools check for soft and hard bounces. Hard bounces should be deleted automatically. Soft bounces need to be monitored, and if they prove to be problematic, well, it’s probably time to get rid of those addresses too.

Remove disposable addresses

Email verification checks for single-use and disposable email addresses. These are both big trouble when it comes to keeping your lists clean and healthy. Delete, delete, delete…

Catch all the catch-all addresses

Catch-all addresses tend to be monitored by a team or a group of people—if by anyone at all. That means your campaigns aren’t likely to be read properly or create the engagement you’re looking for. Verification helps you remove these, creating a purer list of real people.

Role-based addresses

Addresses that contain things like info@, sales@, or help@, might be valid email addresses, but they’re rarely useful when it comes to email marketing.

Verify correct syntax validation

Too many addresses are input incorrectly or mistyped. Double opt-ins can help to keep your lists nice and clean, but your intelligent validation tool will spot them and help you correct them. That way, you won’t lose your possible lead.

Domain validation and MX record detection

Another check the process runs is that the domain of the address actually exists, and whether or not it has a mailbox attached. Without these necessary factors, it would be like sending someone a letter who doesn’t have a house!