Let us show you how to target decision-makers and remove deal killers

We’ll cover the "Planning & Prospecting Playbook” that’ll show you what to say and do to get key stakeholders to work with you, so you can close 3X more pipeline.

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Who should attend this webinar?

If you struggle to target the right people in the buying process with the right message, leaving you waiting (and wondering) what to do next, this is the playbook you’ve been waiting for!

  • If you find yourself spending more time researching and less time getting responses and meetings, we’ll help you with this.
  • If you don’t have a proven process for quickly identifying who to target first and who to ignore until the time is right, join us.
  • If you see others winning, closing big deals or lots of deals, and wondering what they know that you don’t, this is for you.
  • If you never heard of “multi-threading” or want to see what top “multi-threaders” say and do to get full buy-in fast, register now.

Jack Gallo Salesforce Strategist from Prolifiq

Former Salesforce SDR, now VP of sales at Prolifiq, Jack knows how to break through the noise, reach decision-makers, and get them bought in.

Justin Zimmerman Email response expert

Justin has perfected the “art of conversational lead generation” and often achieves a 20% response rate on his campaigns.