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How to delete all Gmail emails

To delete all Gmail emails, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Gmail website (
  2. Sign in to your Gmail account using your email address and password. 
  3. Once you're logged in, you'll see your inbox with a list of emails. 
  4. At the top of the email list, you'll find a search bar with a small down arrow on the right side. Click on the arrow to open the advanced search options. 
  5. In the advanced search options, leave all the fields empty and click on the "Search" button. This will search for all emails in your Gmail account. 
  6. After the search is completed, you'll see a message at the top of the page saying something like "All 50 conversations on this page are selected." Click on the link that says "Select all conversations that match this search." 
  7. Once you've selected all the conversations, you'll see a trash can icon at the top of the page. Click on it to move all the selected emails to the Trash folder. 
  8. After moving the emails to the Trash folder, go to the left sidebar and find the "Trash" label. Click on it to view all the emails in the Trash folder. 
  9. At the top of the email list in the Trash folder, you'll find a message saying something like "All 50 conversations in Trash are selected." Click on the link that says "Select all conversations in Trash." 
  10. Once all the conversations in the Trash folder are selected, you'll see a "Delete forever" button at the top of the page. Click on it to permanently delete all the emails.

Please note that once you delete your emails, they cannot be recovered. Make sure you have backed up any important information before deleting all your Gmail emails.