Dux-Soup and LinkedIn: FAQ

What browsers does Dux-Soup run on? Chrome, Yandex, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera. Can you test the performance of Dux-Soup before deciding to buy? Dux-Soup offers a 14-day trial. On what Dux-Soup plan are integrations available? Only with the Turbo plan. Can I do A/B testing of LinkedIn steps? No,…

What browsers does Dux-Soup run on?

Chrome, Yandex, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Opera.

Can you test the performance of Dux-Soup before deciding to buy?

Dux-Soup offers a 14-day trial.

On what Dux-Soup plan are integrations available?

Only with the Turbo plan.

Can I do A/B testing of LinkedIn steps?

No, but we are taking it into account in the future. Drop us a line if you need this! Alternatively, you can create two different campaigns, for now.

For a campaign that doesn’t include an email, just the manual task / Linkedin automation steps themselves, do I have to select “Sent from” in the campaign settings?

No! All you need is an account selected at the Linkedin Automation step when editing the campaign.

Do I still need to provide the prospect’s email address even if I only use Linkedin Automation in the campaign?


Can I be logged into the same Dux-Soup account on two computers at the same time?

Yes, in this situation, the computer from which the action will be performed will be selected randomly. The action will be executed only once. However, it’s recommended to be logged on only one computer.

Can I use a condition based on an accepted connection request?

Not yet, but we are planning on adding this option.

How many Dux-Soup accounts can I use in one campaign?

You can use one Dux-Soup account per step. If you have 2 LinkedIn Automation steps in your campaign, you can add max. 2 Dux-Soup accounts, etc. The maximum number of Dux-Soup accounts in one campaign is 24.

With what frequency does Woodpecker send a request to Dux-Soup?

Every 30 seconds.

Will the operation of a LinkedIn manual task change?

No, the LinkedIn manual task will work the same as before, and will not have a connection with LinkedIn Automation.

When do we sign up for webhooks?

The first moment of webhook enrollment happens when connecting a Dux-Soup account to Woodpecker. Then, when we try to launch the campaign, we check that all Dux-Soup accounts that are used in the campaign have our webhook with them.

Why are there limits to LinkedIn actions?

Limits are imposed top-down by LinkedIn and depend on the type of account you have on LinkedIn (free or premium). Details of the limits are on the account settings view. If you perform actions more often than the limit allows, your LinkedIn account may be banned.

What affects the limits? Is it only Dux-Soup?

In addition to LinkedIn’s limits, there’s also Woodpecker’s Daily limit. It applies here exactly the same as for the emails.

Does Dux-Soup work when the computer is turned off?

No. All activities that are supposed to happen then fall into the queue.

Does the API key work per company account or user?

Per user.

What if the prospect falls into the “Character limit” tab, and, instead of editing the message, I edit the snippet that causes the content to be too long?

Prospect will still have a “PAUSED (Snippet issue)” status in the campaign. You must manually change this status to “ACTIVE” to continue sending.

What if the prospect is in two or more campaigns?

The behavior will be similar to email: if a prospect responds within one campaign, it will get a “PAUSED (Other campaign)” status in another. We can link the response to the campaign using the request ID.

If a prospect responds to an action thrown into a default campaign, will the other actions associated with that prospect stop?

When Dux-Soup receives a response, all scheduled actions stop. The exception is if the prospect accepts the invitation – then the scheduled actions are still in the queue. If you want the actions to execute, you must manually push the prospect or through the API to the queue.

Can I see the replies from LinkedIn in Woodpecker?

Yes, you can! Simply head to the Inbox tab in Woodpecker App and then click on the LinkedIn tab to see every conversation from LinkedIn that you got the response in.

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