How it works
Sending follow-ups in the same thread
Sending follow-ups as a separate message
How it works
Sending follow-ups is the key to a cold email strategy. That’s why by default, we include the content of previous messages that were sent to prospects in the content of follow-ups. To make it easier, we added a message bubbles icon next to your subject line, like on the image below:

That means that your emails will be sent in the same thread, with other messages attached to the previous one. So usually follow-ups sent with Woodpecker look like this:

On top, you see the newest message that was sent – the follow-up. Your previous message is attached below, as a citation.
This is intended to show that we have been trying to reach the recipient for some time. However, some of our users would prefer the follow-ups to not include previous messages from the sequence.
Sending follow-ups in the same thread
When you send your message in the same thread the previous message is always attached. This is marked by the message bubbles icon next to your subject line, like on the image below:

Leave the subject empty if you want to send your follow-up emails in the same thread.
Your follow-ups will be sent with the previous subject line, attached to the other emails in the sequence.
The message will start with “Re:” in the subject line. For example: “Re: Hi!”
Sending follow-ups as a separate message

By default, when sending follow-ups as a separate message, the content of the previous message isn’t attached. That’s why you can see the message bubbles icon turned off.
Now, however, you also have the option to include the content of your previous message and send it with your follow-up email.
Don’t attach the previous message

Type in a new subject to send follow-ups separately.
Each follow-up will be sent as a separate message with the new subject line and without the body of the previous message attached as a citation.
Your follow-ups will be sent separately and look like this:

Attach the previous message

Type in a new subject line.
Click the quotation icon to attach the previous message.
If the content of your previous message is attached, you will see the message bubbles icon with grey background next to your subject line.
Each follow-up will be sent as a separate message with the new subject line and with the body of the previous message attached as a citation.
Get to know best practices for sending effective sales follow-ups by reading our guide »