Wondering if you could add some attachments to your cold email? Unfortunately, the answer is no, you cannot. Not directly. Woodpecker does not offer such an option due to the deliverability issues it may cause.
Instead of an attachment, add a link (URL) to your cloud storage where you keep the file. This link will redirect your prospects to the content you want to share with them.
Remember that the file in your private cloud storage (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox) must be public and accessible to others, so if necessary, change its sharing settings.
However, before you start with this we highly recommend looking at our article on Attachments in Cold Email: Should We Ever Use Them? »
How to add the link to your copy:
Edit your campaign.
Click on the icon Insert/edit link.
Paste in the URL to your file.
Add your text, for example, Here’s the presentation.
Click ADD.

Deliverability issues?
The process of sending messages involves 2 parties: your Woodpecker account and your mailbox. Woodpecker is a trigger for sending the message from your Inbox.
Having an attachment in your email may be found suspicious by the anti-spam filters and therefore your message may get bounced and sending (or the whole mailbox) may get blocked. This, in turn, may harm your domain’s reputation. Once you burn this reputation (or in other words, the reputation goes bad) it is very difficult to rebuild and regain it. However, it’s not impossible.
If you think you may be experiencing issues with your domain, move on to our blog article to check & improve the reputation of your domain.