Lights, Camera, Cold Emails!
A Documentary about modern sales - Coming soon
A Documentary about modern sales - Coming soon
Each episode covers a different angle of the buildup to Woodpecker Cold Email Camp
Great ideas have to start somewhere, right? Join us and discover the inspiration behind the creation of our Cold Email Camp.
7 min
Living on your terms is the reason Woodpecker came to be - and it continues to be our mission. In this episode members of our team and experts share what living on their terms looks like for them.
14 min
We've talked a lot about what we're going to share, but we haven't talked about how we're going to do it. What will the story be like? See how Mike and his team are planning to structure it.
8 min
Get to know the Camp participants a little better. Tune in to hear about their businesses, why they applied, and what's their take on pineapple on a pizza!
10 min
You want to make a great film production? Start with great film producers! Get an inside look at the people behind the camera during our Cold Email Camp series.
5 min
Episode 5 What makes a great cold email, anyway? In this episode, we look at some of the ideas and best practices that we will share during our Cold Email Camp.
12 min
And the winner is... It's time to select the participants of our Cold Email Camp and you have a front-row seat in this episode!
9 min
It's time to explore Wroclaw, the site of our Cold Email Camp. Join us on an informative walk through the city that will serve as the backdrop of the big event!
11 min
It's time to give our Cold Email Camp some star power! Watch as we reach out to some big names to see if they will join us at Woodpecker HQ!
10 min
For all the teams that decided to apply to Woodpecker Cold Email Camp, filling out the application form was the first step in this journey. But only five of them will progress to the next stage - coming to Poland, to our office, in September. Choosing them was incredibly difficult. Here's how it looked like.
2 min
Woodpecker Cold Email Camp is our most ambitious project to date. And there's only one thing that can make all our ideas come together - teamwork - which you often can't see on camera. So, we decided to capture it directly.
2 min
The first stages of preparing for Woodpecker Cold Email Camp weren't glamorous. You've already seen the results in the first Vlogs on our channel, but here's how it looked like behind the scenes.
1 min
Okay folks, so that's our version of the format that you probably know. Especially if you follow the most popular fashion magazine in the world. We did our best to make it perfect, so please be kind to us. Anyway! Let us introduce you to our host: Michał Kasprzyk!
4 min
These are the cold mailing, sales and marketing pros that trained participants in Woodpecker's Cold Email Camp
Learn more about the people who joined us from all over the world to become cold emailing pros feel like you're part of the camp!
Lessons from our Cold Email camp will help you turn more prospects into paying customers
We organized the Cold Email Camp because:
It takes a lot to go from idea to "Action!"- Here's the (very) short history of our biggest project ever!
We started by looking for a new way to draw attention to cold mailing.
We set up an online competition that would allow us to choose from many applicants.
Best of all, we reached out to experts in the field of cold emails, sales and marketing to lead the talks at the Camp.
We also decided to make a documentary with essential content from the camp, so that we could continue to share lessons from it after it was over.
So we decided to organize a camp devoted to cold emailing with participants from all over the world.
We had to make some hard choices but finally selected five teams to join us at Woodpecker HQ.
We started by looking for a new way to draw attention to cold mailing.
We also decided to make a documentary with essential content from the camp, so that we could continue to share lessons from it after it was over.
We set up an online competition that would allow us to choose from many applicants.
Best of all, we reached out to experts in the field of cold emails, sales and marketing to lead the talks at the Camp.
So we decided to organize a camp devoted to cold emailing with participants from all over the world.
We had to make some hard choices but finally selected five teams to join us at Woodpecker HQ.
Lights, Camera, Cold Emails
A Documentary about modern sales - Coming soon
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